>Did you try turning down the threshold in the settings
oh sorry i didn't notice there's a setting for that, pretty sure mount and blade doesn't have this threshold thing no? but then again last mnb game i played is warband and last time i played it was like 4 years ago or something so i might've forgotten about it.
>Do you mean when you're close to a wall? I'm getting rid of that. It was to prevent clipping, but that's getting fixed eventually anyway.
nah it's not when you're close to a wall, i think it has something to do with the buffering thing i said, and i also agree what that other anon said, right now the only way to attack is to move the mouse first, then click to do an attack, i think you should allow players to also click first, and then drag the mouse to "decide" which directions they're gonna do (i'm pretty sure warband does this, cause i remember kinda just moving between attack directions by simply holding left click & moving my mouse).
i think the general rule is, if you're in a combat and there's any point where your clicks doesn't register to a certain action (either now or later), then there's something wrong with it.