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Jumpscare at the *click* scared the shit out of me. For the "sit back and don't click" part it would be nice if you could pause/skip forward or something. I had to stop for external reasons and had to rewatch the whole thing again. Would be a nice qol improvement. The VA for that part works pretty well but the VA at the scene before that sounds really weird. Probably because the VA is a bit mono-tone so it works well for narration. Also all the small SFX are really nice and I really appreciate it, really makes it feel more immersive. 


Hahah thanks, I was hoping to catch someone out on that! As for the "sit back and watch" part; totally agree, it definitely needs a pause feature. This next build coming in a couple of hours will 100% have that (just a little "Pause" on the top left hand corner, nothing special but it works), thanks for the suggestion!