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Well damn that's quite the improvement from last time.

The new graphics look great, especially the main character animations. Those slime enemies look unfitting though and the mixels annoy the shit out of me.

Gameplay feels much improved and I'm glad you seem to have dropped some of the odd mechanics like the pets or whatever they were called.

Effects like screen shake and hitstop seem a bit heavy for my taste but they don't impact the gameplay in a detrimental way as far as I'm concerned.

I never used subweapons because I found them too annoying to use compared to just shooting enemies.

As Qwott has noted I very quickly figured out you can really just skip past most things and not die. You need some kind of mechanic to make the player actually engage enemies.

Thank you for playing once more dud!

Those slime enemies look unfitting though and the mixels annoy the shit out of me.

For unfitting you mean like qwott "a templar should not fight this kind of stuff"? Also, what mixel did you nitice? my pixelshit need a lot of refining 

As Qwott has noted I very quickly figured out you can really just skip past most things and not die. You need some kind of mechanic to make the player actually engage enemies.

I'm trying stuff, I removed the mechanic to kill all enemies to open the exit because it was frustrating for too many players. I'll get to work and see how to deal with this problem in a good way. If everything else fails I could just add zones where you get trapped in till you kill every wave that spawns in like dmc/bayo do.

I hope to see chasm at DD50, GL.

For unfitting you mean like qwott "a templar should not fight this kind of stuff"?

A bit of that, but I could see it work if done right. To me it's more the style though, they're very cutesy and they seem to be the only thing with transparency and rotation which really makes them stand out.

what mixel did you nitice?

Explosions and the big bomb are at lower resolution that most other things. The pink bullets are at higher resolution. I'm a bit of a purist myself when it comes to this but honestly, most people won't care as long as it looks good. Hell, I don't care much myself if it isn't my own game. Just look at Terraria. That shit's full of mixels and rixels and whatever else and I love it.

If everything else fails I could just add zones where you get trapped in till you kill every wave that spawns in like dmc/bayo do.

That was my initial idea. I'd definitely try other avenues first though, like more aggressive enemies that actively go for the player. The arena style approach has potential to appear like a cop-out I feel.

I hope to see chasm at DD50, GL.

So do I lol.