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Played it on hardest difficulty (don't know why, guess I wanted to flex my old-school fps muscles? he-he). LOVED IT! Did I see some inspirations from Half-Life and Duke 3D?

I kinda like how everything looks so rundown, and also that looking outside the windows you see a kind of metropolis, even though I was initially under the impression that the setting was a spaceship.


- Why is Zortch green if she's a human? Or is that just the HUD? Will there be an intro-slideshow or something? I'm actually happy that you kept the backstory minimalistic, as way too many games nowadays cram exposition down players' throats, and it's annoying.

- Would also be nice to have some kind of manual, even as a .pdf file, or an in-game menu where we can read description on the enemies and weapons.

- While it's nice that the level looks rundown and lived-in, I'd suggest expanding the texture colour palette, because once the game gets released, people are gonna complain about samey grey-and-brown corridors.

- Also add total number of enemies vs number of enemies killed upon completing the level, or even a togglable in-game counter. You know, like in zDoom?

- While the demo level isn't too complicated to navigate in, depending on how you'll wanna go about the future levels, perhaps it would be wise to add a togglable mini-map or an automap?

Anyway, best of luck; looking forward to the game!


yup, Maxed diff is pretty much normal diff for experienced players 😉

- it goes from green to red based on how much hp you have left

- there will be one just very minimal (very few people open them - I need to explain ingame as much as possible)

- don't worry there are some coroful levels - it's only quite minimal on this first one (I should have included a second one in the test 🤔

- I don't keep track of it by intention: e.g. 100%-ing the game this way only means finding all secrets  

- that would be nice, there are two reasons why there is not one: one is techincal: I'm simply not good enough yet to generate a reliable map based on the geometry
and the other is that getting lost is the whole point .. of course at first I thought the maps are too small and easy surely nobody will get lost.. but after seeing people play I'm not sure anymore 🤔  


Hate to headbutt in, but here's somewhere that my comment about making distinctive areas would be useful. No need to make an automap - modern games don't have them, and yours doesn't need to either. Just make some areas feel more different than others. This doesn't need to be a total area overhaul, either - add some suspended animation tubes that give off blue light and a big sign over the top that says "CRYONICS SECTOR", another area just add some glowing yellow pipes, maybe dripping emissive liquid. Got a bunch of windows that look outdoors? Want to make that corridoor look different? Make a "huge" spaceship (a flattened sprite of a spaceship) fly past the windows emitting some light from its headbeams every few minutes, but only past THAT window/set of windows. There's ways to make this space easier to navigate without needing an automap, my man!

I sort of wanted the first level to be exploratory and people to get lost - to at least make the place feel bigger - but I guess it worked too well -- I already have some plans on how to simplify it based on the playthroughs I saw so far (and without removing areas) .. hopefully the beta test will shed light on problems on any later levels 🤔