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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! ^_^

Thank you! Will give it a try :)

Hi. I bought this, only to find it's only in .3ds format that can only be opened in 3D Studio Max! Can you please provide a .obj or .fbx export please?

he's definitely still working on this game. i know because ive spoken to the guy as he's been doing so, over on Twitch. The game has also deviated so much from this original prototype here that it absolutely DWARFS this alpha demo.

I just played this, and... I feel this whole thing, deep in my soul. I've got nothing else to say than thank you.

this is a good game. i like this game. pups are fun and this game is fun thanks <3

it's a reference to the saying "life's a bitch and then you die" lol

(2 edits)

Uhhhhhh... what?     O_O

Ugh. I tried my hardest, but at the last minute, major bug after major bug kept coming up. RIP i guess lol

Okay yeah, I can't get it working. I'm out.

Indie Horror Month community · Created a new topic FFS

*Literally* at the very last minute, the Navigation Mesh for our game corrupted and now needs to be rebaked. The game is unplayable without doing so, it's running at about 2 frames per second and has been freezing up. Is there any point even submitting it now?! D:

Hah, thats okay, I'm only just writing up the announcement post for the update for Tumblr and Mastodon now! (Had a bit of a rough week mental health wise...)

Glad it works well! :D

This is a great little alpha! I love the mix of influences and the visual style you're going for is wonderful, you've really nailed it. It's still *very* clearly an alpha though - AI is pitiful and missing some barks/shouts to let you know what state it's in /what's going on, if they're alerted etc, and the sound design clearly doesn't lend itself well to an regular first person shooter as opposed to a stealth shooter (also IMO - the pistol should be able to instantly headshot guards as long as you're not too far away. Often it'd take two, or even three shots in the head to take down a guard.) 

The opening levels design feels quite sprawling, and rewards you for exploration and hunting for items (like finding the night vision goggles and that tunnel!) - which is great.

All in all, I'm definitely gonna be keeping an eye on this project, it looks very promising! :)

when I *do* revise this project to an enhanced version - would you be willing to test the Linux build for me? I don't have an available Linux machine to try it out on. It'd be a great help!

that is not normal no lol. I can port it to Linux a little later this week :)

(1 edit)

Its alright, no offence caused 😁

I miiiiight develop this game a bit further - possibly - more levels, make the mana system more relevant, maybe add some actual platforming - because although I am doing another project thats very big in scale, I find it useful to have A and B projects I can alternate on, helps with some of my attention span issues. No promises, though  😛 (except the fix, that is)

Thank you! Aw theyre little devils though, get too close and they fly right at ya and take off some of your health! Haha 😅

Yes, this is my first in-browser game made with Godot! But I have had similar experiences with lag in Godot even for downloadable games (oh god, in my unfinished game Morning Never Comes I had a REAL issue with this), due to shader and particle compilation only upon it being seen by the camera. I did actually do as you suggested, however - just probably not for enough of the particles & materials if its still lagging! In the 1.1v build, the camera sees the magic projectile particles, the cottage smoke, steam particles from the pie and several other shadermaterials for a few moments before the  transition fades on and the camera pans over. 

No idea why its still being so laggy, though I really should of done the same thing with the particles and VFX sprite material that appears when you kill a ghostie, as that... *really* slows things down.

Btw - if youre interested, and have accees to a keyboard with an "Insert" key - try pressing that to see a "secret" debug mode ;-)

That's very strange. I'll have a look & try rebuilding it when I get home, but sadly I'm gonna be away from my PC now until after the judging is over :(

And yes, I did see the message from Dreamcube - but only after I saw your reply. My bad xD

Yeah if I end up doing an enhanced, post-jam edition then making the Pumpkins larger and shinier is definitely on my to-do list :P Thanks for your kind words!

You got this error after *downloading* it?! Huh well... that's new. Sorry about that! Yeah, the game lags a lot in browser, although apparently some browsers are worse than others for web games.

BTW, have you played any other downloadable Godot games on that system? I'd be interested to know if it's my game only or if it's all Godot games. Wiggly Candy Hand is another one that's made in Godot. give it a try and let me know if you get a similar bug... it'd help me narrow it down to if it's an engine thing or specifically just my one!

Thank you! :D I do like shooting at the ghosties haha

A text based, hand drawn game! Very unique. This is the first time since I was... what, 12, 13 years old that I played an HTML/CSS based game? Haha. I dig it! The artwork is charming, and I liked the mechanic where you don't get a second choice at the berry bushes, like that when you go back the berries aren't available to pick. I ended up playing very cautiously, but ended up dying at the headless horseman. Still, a great little experience!

The visuals of this one are fantastic, though it could only get about 10 FPS max on my machine (laptop, not a great one either so not a shocker tbh). The audio is great, but could use some contrast - it's always loud, *all* the time, so when I'm being chased it doesn't sound too different. But the environment design alone, along with the unique visuals make this one a must-try for me!

(2 edits)

Done! Rated and played. Try mine out, it's an N64 inspired collectathon! :D

I really liked this one! The gameplay was a little slow for my tastes but the vibes are immaculate, like you really used Godots lighting engine well and it was very moody, and communicated themes very well. Visual design wise it was good too, I could understand exactly what I needed to do to get through sections without any direct instructions, which is always good. The start of the nightmare sequence really fucked with me as well, made me think a little of the nightmare sequence from the first Max Payne game. Good job!

Thanks for letting me know. Apparently it's an issue that you can run into with Godot projects if you're trying to run the game in Safari, but there *is* a plugin I can use in future versions to prevent this error happening - only thing is, we're past the one extra day allocated to allow modifications to our games now, so I'll have to wait until the end of the judging period to try to fix it (I'm actually looking at doing a Mac one for when that period ends as well). For now, if you wanna play it, you might have to download it. Sorry about that! It does run MUCH better downloaded, though. There are a few lag issues with the in-browser version.

Eeee thank you! Hope you're doing well :)

Well presented, nice graphical style, and easy to control! Could of done with a beeping sounds when scanning an item to let you know you'd scanned it properly. My only real issue was that after that one... strange customer turned up, I couldn't scan their item and I had to Alt F4 out of the game to quit. But a good effort! :D

Haha, thank you! Yeah I thought it'd suit the comedic tone of the game, it's a well known stock audio bonk but I figured it'd add to the fun atmos :P

Fun little game, loved the audio for the boogeyman!

Hooray, I won, I wooonn! Loved this little game, though not too scary (the Synty assets didn't help because I recognised the style, but for budget assets they're great - I used some in a game of mine a little while back, totally get why you used them, making all of a house that detailed from scratch would just of been impossible in the timeframe!). The ghoul management mechanic was fun, at times it felt more like I was playing some weird kind of horror management sim, which could be a genre all in itself. The only issue I had is that sometimes when going up and down steps or the doorways from the upstairs, occasionally the charecter collider would get stuck - felt like maybe it could of used a little invisible ramp there to make it simpler to navigate. Otherwise though, really good :)

... god DAMMIT you got me! Lol. A simple game with an unnerving atmosphere, conserving flashlight batteries while being stuck in the maze with nothing but the sound of your own footsteps... good stuff. Why did it need an installer though?! Lol. Still, good effort, made me nice and creeped out. :D

I would of loved to play this properly as it looks great, but the motion blur and high resolution really make it lag hard on my machine. I'm getting like, 10 fps or so when I try to play. Alas, Unreal Engine, you and I are just not meant to be :(

I had fun with this! Great little arena shooter. Could of used an explosion of pumpkin bits when you killed those enemies though. Nice aesthetics, loved the music as well! 

I agree with J, the school is definitely the creepier setting - but I feel like that's likely because it had more work put into it? If there's one thing you nailed, it's the sound design, that was great. I feel like the indoor areas could of done with some distance fog, but as a fellow Godot developer, I understand that the basic Z-fogging has become so much harder to use in recent versions (no idea *why* they made that decision, but alas it's one we have to live with for now).

It does feel weird, however, that you've got this lovely narrative intro (great job on that, by the way!) - and then you have a choice of three settings for the next part. It feels like you bit off more than you could chew, or at least that you gave yourself a way bigger workload than you needed to? On top of that, the genre you picked - again, not the easiest thing for a one week game jam, but you clearly love the genre and wanted it represented here. I picked collect-a-thon because I thought it'd be easier than something like this. But I can respect the ambition! Good job :D

Thank you! If I were not developing another much larger game already, I'd definitely consider it. Maybe an enhanced edition for next Halloween? More levels, some story, a few more enemies and a more purposeful mana system... haha. Maybe if I don't game jam again next Samhain :D

Thank you! Your entry gave me a real chuckle, haha :D

Thank you very much! The aesthetic and the movement of the player charecter, those are the things I'm most proud of on this one. Yes, the mana system is, upon reflection, not even required to complete the game - originally I'd planned on having areas that you had to destroy the barriers to (wooden boards, old vines, etc) to get to some pumpkins using your spells, but that didn't get implemented; as it is the boost mechanic was only implemented on the very last day...! If this were a month long game jam, I would of added so much more. Thanks for the feedback! 

Btw - GREAT job on your entry. Followed you on here, I'm eager to see what happens in the future regarding it. :D