The jittering Chairs are in the bottom of the Building you sleep in, the big Dining Hall. Don't know if thats supposed to be an Inn.
I don't know if 1kg/day is a lot for a 2m Guy, but I assume it is. And that they sell Food is rather neglectable, seeing I was starved for Money most of the Tutorial, so I probably couldn't have bought 1kg/Day anyway.
Don't remove the Cannon, it just needs to be textured properly, thats all it needs. And why/how are you managing to reduce framerate that much by just placing static Meshes around? I don't know much about Unity, but shouldn't it cull them out most of the Time in Town? And even if not, static meshes shouldn't be very performant heavy unless their Shader is trash, they result in a ton of new Drawcalls, or have giant amounts of Tris.
Its not just from the middle of the Room, I can access Crafting Stations from neighboring Rooms, through Walls, across the Channel, something there is off.
I never ment to insult Mint because of her Skincolor. It was just incredibly weird that I kept turning Teal myself at some more or less random Points.
>Nutrients decay over time, you are probably very low on nutrition to need 14 hours for filling the stamina bar,
That is with near full Nutrients. Without it, I need 36h for a full stamina Bar.
>you mean cultivated daisies are not showing up?
>We have to figure out a way to make cooking more intuitive yes, but you no longer need to touch the system now that you can just buy finished food.
But I want to cook. Your cooking system in itself is great, its just the Nutrition Stuff I have a problem with. It shows too much unnecessary Information, and its too much to keep in balance. Just having a bad-good Food scale, and flavors in some imagery instead of hard numbers displayed would do a lot here.