Yeah, the timing is based on fruit distance and the frame of the animation. When the fruit enter on the invisible "eating zone", in that point we check the frame of the animation and you got a "+++", "++", "+" or "-" based on the window of frames you performed it.
To make the perfect movement, the "+++" one, you have to make the catto face touch the apple when it's head is at the most far point from it's body, and it's mouth is properly opened.
We wanted to make music, but, didn't have enough time and knowledge to do it. We had some ideas based on diferent fruits, and obstacles. The original game inspiration for Eatty Catto is Rib Ribbon, the PS1 game.
We appreciate your review and thank you for taking the time to play the game and leave it a comment. We will make some updates in the future based on all your comments, since the project it's pretty cool and I would love to see it as more polished as possible.
Thank you! ^^