Thank you for playing and for the feedback!
Its a bit of a pet peeve of mine... So many games have ear bleedingly loud volume when you start it so I intentionally made the default pretty low.
I made the runes have pretty dull colors so they'd be really distinct from enemies because there can potentially be so many of them on the ground. But yeah I know most games have really colorful gems and stuff, I might need to rethink it.
Render scale was mostly there to test stuff, will probably remove it in the future.
I could fix the rixels on things like the runes, but I'm not sure if it'd be worth the effort. If it really annoys you you can set the resolution ingame to 960x540 to have it pixel perfect (or press Auto on the render scale at your monitor nat. res.), should still look alright on 1080p and 4k. Only some text will look a bit off but I haven't decided yet how I want to handle it. Yeah I'm not the best at making UI, but will try to improve it.
Dash animation, yes!
"It's hard to tell how much ammo I'm about to use when I reload at a glance." Good point.
"Is there any reason *not* to level up immediately once you've gotten enough points?" For now, there's that skill yeah and then there are shops where you can spend runes too. But I'd like to have more ways of spending it.
The music should play as long as there are enemies around, maybe it shouldn't stop after killing them. Or play something else. But, some people have had a bug where it stopped playing entirely. Maybe you got it too.