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Does anyone know the list of commands, I'm kind of curious to try the "summon" command, and create a new game to test that haha, but I don't know if anyone knows the list of that command

When I tried the "help" command it got drowned in the unstopping flux of " Target enemies X.X.X.X" that kept showing up. So, I guess it's not a working feature yet.

Check above you, hope it helps!

I found the list of items on for Growth RPG and the list was on page 45.


If it requires payment then we can't read it like that.


It doesn't. Sometimes it just doesn't open.

Console commands aren't case-sensitive

so you don't have to write exactly as written

Ghost for noclip

Walk for clip 

God for godmode

Summon + (without +)

-Metal Scrap

Blue = Summon BlueSmallResource_C

Green = Summon GreenSmallResource_C

Red = Summon RedSmallResource_C

White = Summon WhiteSmallResource_C

Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C

White = Summon LargeResource_C


Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C

Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C

Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C

White = Summon LargeResource_C


Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C

Green = Summon Ore_Green_C

Red = Summon Ore_Red_C

White = Summon Ore_W_C


Bust = Summon CoreBust_C

Fat = Summon CoreFat_C

Legs = Summon CoreLegs_C

Muscle = Summon CoreMuscle_C

Size = Summon CoreSize_C


Bust = Summon GrowPotionBust_C

Fat = Summon GrowPotionBelly_C

Legs = Summon GrowPotionLegs_C

Muscle = Summon GrowPotionMuscle_C

Size = Summon GrowPotionSize_C

Ego = Summon CockGrowthPotion_C

Relife = Summon PotionOfRelife_C




Bard's Beak = BardBeakWeapon_C

Wooden Barrel = BarrelWeapon_C

Industrial Barrel = IndustrialBarrelWeapon_C

Bat = W_Bat_C

Blesser = Blesser_C

Bone = Weapon_Bone_C

Broken Sword = Summon BrokenSword_C

Cat Ear Fetish = CatEarFetishWeapon_C

Cracked Core = CrackedCore_C

Frying Pan = FryingPan_C

Ironwood Fetish = IronwoodFetishWeapon_C

Katana = Katana_C

Katana's Scabbard = KatanaScabbard_C

Kicking Knives = KickingKnivesWeapon_C

Piledriver = Piledriver_C

Red Hot Fetish = RedHotFetishWeapon_C

Rock Shield = Summon W_RockShield_C

Rock Sword = Summon RockSword_C

Roundel = Roundel_C

Piercing Shield = PiercingShield_C

Size Sword = Summon SizeSwordWeapon_C

Slime Ball = SlimeBallWeapon_C

Slime Whip = SlimeWHip_C

Pearlescent Fetish = PearlFetish_C

Stool = Throwable_Stool_C

Anvil Hammer = W_AnvilHammer_C

Nail = Nail_C

Root Whip = RootWhip_C



Coat = CoatArmor_C

Pauldron = Pauldron_C

Maid Outfit = Ar_MainOutfit_C

Plackart = PlackartArmor_C

Breastplate = Cuirass_C

Bandana = BandanaArmor_C

Head Crystals = CrystalHelmet_C

Hard Hat = HardHatHeadArmor_C

Full Helm = HelmetArmor_C

Mushroom Cap = Mushroomhead_C

Plague Mask = PlagueMaskArmor_C

Pumpkin Head = PumpkinHeadArmor_C

Santa Hat = SantaHatArmor_C

Scarf = ScarfArmor_C

Straw Hat = StrawHatArmor_C

Leather Leggings = LeatherLegs_C

PlateLegs = PlateLegAmrmor_C (also not a typo)



Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C

Burger = Burger_C

Energy Drink = EnergyDrink_C

Fries = FriesConsumable_C

Growth Multiplier = GrowMultiplierPotion_C

Rock Meat = FoodRockMeat_C

Mushroom Grow = MushroomGrow_C

Mushroom Shrink = MushroomShrink_C

Juicy Peach = Peach_Energy_C

Shield = TempShieldConsumable_C

Grilled Salmon = Food_buffBust_C

Donut = Food_buffFat_C

Grilled Shank = Food_buffLegs_C

Steak = Food_buffMuscle_C

Ramen = Food_buffSize_C

Emergency Escape = DungeonEscape_C

Dungeon Escape = DungeonLevelEscape_C

Robot Arm (left) = QI_RobotArmL_C

Robot Arm (right) = QI_RobotArmR_C


Bust = CoreBust_C

Fat = CoreFat_C

Legs = CoreLegs_C

Muscle = CoreMuscle_C

Size = CoreSize_C


Bust = GrowPotionBust_C

Fat = GrowPotionBelly_C

Legs = GrowPotionLegs_C

Muscle = GrowPotionMuscle_C

Size = GrowPotionSize_C

Ego = CockGrowthPotion_C

Relife = PotionOfRelife_C


Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C

Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C

Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C

White = Summon LargeResource_C


Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C

Green = Summon Ore_Green_C

Red = Summon Ore_Red_C

White = Summon Ore_W_C

-Metal Scrap

Blue = BlueSmallResource_C

Green = GreenSmallResource_C

Red = RedSmallResource_C

White = WhiteSmallResource_C


Blacksmith = BlackSmithKey_C

Crystal = CrystalDungeonKey_C

Dock = DockKey_C

Dungeon = DungeonKey_C

Sewer = SewerKey_C




Charlotte = Charlotte_C

Glow Merchant = GlowMerchant_C

Keymaster = Keymaster_C

Fristy = NPC_GymGuide_C

Inventor Emma = Inventor_C

Bubblegum = MaidNPC_Bust_C

Lazarus = MaidNPC_Muscle_C

Player = Player_C

Fake Blacksmith (in town) = Blacksmith1_C

Fake Blacksmith (boss, buffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Buff_C

Fake Blacksmith (boss, unbuffed) = FakeBlackSmithBoss_Unbuffed_C

Apothecarist = apothecarist_C

Apothecarist (dungeon) = apothecaristDungeon_C

Cook (in town) = Cook_C

Cook (sells donut) = Cook_Donut_C

Cook (sells fish) = Cook_Fish_C

Cook (sells leg buff item) = Cook_leg_C

Cook (sells ramen) = Cook_Ramen_C

Cook (sells steak) = Cook_Steak_C

Cook (dungeon) = CookDungeon_C

Plush = Plush_C

Plush (dungeon) = PlushDungeon_C

Slime Follower = SlimeFollower_C

Slime Follower (dungeon) = Slime_FollowerDungeon_C

Lesser Follower (follower) = LesserFollowerCompanion_C

Sleeping Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorkerSleep_C

Skybreaker = Gator_Follower_C

Diana = Diana_Mercenary_C

Botanist Rhiana = NPC_Botanist_C

Buff merchant, Luna = NPC_BuffMerchant_C

Alexander = Alexander_Mercenary_C

Kyung = Kyung_Mercenary_C

Bartender Saiyamatt = Siyamatt_Bartened_C

Solon = Solon_Mercenary_C

Ukufa = Ukufa_Mercenary_C


Marauder = EnemyStarter1_C

Marauder (with assist) = EnemyStarterWithCompanions1_C

Rat = EnemyDungeonRat_C

Skeleton = EnemySkeletonStarter_C

Lime Slime = EnemySlimeStarter_C

Muscle Slime = EnemySlime_Muscle_C

Bust Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Bust_C

Fat Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Fat_C

Legs Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Legs_C

Size Slime = EnemySlimeDungeon_Size_C

Lesser Commander = LesserCommander_C

Lesser Follower = LesserFollower_C

Dock Security = DockSecurity_C

Dock Worker = DockWorker_C

Mimic = Mimic_C

One Armed Bandit (left arm) = EnemyProsteticLeftArm_C

One Armed Bandit (right arm) = EnemyProsteticRightArm_C

Bigbarian = EnemyBig_C

Bigbarian (dungeon) = EnemyBigDungeon_C

Chestromancer = EnemyBust_C

Chestromancer (dungeon) = EnemyBustDungeon_C

Lardzerker = EnemyFat_C

Lardzerker (dungeon) = EnemyFatDungeon_C

Thighwayman = EnemyLegs_C

Thighwayman (dungeon) = EnemyLegsDungeon_C

Banfit = EnemyMuscle_C

Banfit (dungeon) = EnemyMuscleDungeon_C

Hourglass Knight = EnemyHighBustLegs_C

Hourglass Knight (dungeon) = EnemyHighBustLegsdungeon_C

Hourglass Knight (lich cave) = EnemyHighBustLegsLichCave_C

Dragon Worker = EnemyHighDragonWorker_C

Dragon Worker (dungeon) = EnemyHighDragonWorkerdungeon_C

Muscle Fat Master = EnemyHighMuscle_C

Muscle Fat Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighMuscledungeon_C

Sharkun = EnemyHighShark_C

Sharkun (dungeon) = EnemyHighSharkDungeon_C

Size Master = EnemyHighSize_C

Size Master (dungeon) = EnemyHighSizeDungeon_C

Lightbringer = GatorCrystal_C

Boulder Mover = GatorFat_C

Sweeper = GatorLegs_C

Rockbiter = GatorRockbiter_C

Bandit = BanditTown_C

Bandit (dungeon) = BanditDungeon_C

Bandit Gate Guard = BanditGateGuard_C


Slime Boss = Summon EnemySlimeBoss_C

Giant Rat = Summon DungeonBossRat_C

Giant Rat (repeatable) = Summon DungeonBossRatRefight_C

Unusally Large Rat = Summon DungeonBossRatNoKey_C

Barrel Master = Summon BarrelMaster_C

Barrel Master (dungeon) = Summon BarrelMasterDungeon_C

Barrel Master (repeatable) = Summon BarrelMasterRepeatable_C

Foreman = Summon DragonBoss_C

Foreman (dungeon) = Summon DragonBossDungeon_C

Foreman (repeatable) = Summon DragonBossRepeatable_C

Lich = Summon LichBoss_C

Lich (dungeon) = Summon LichBossDungeon_C

Lich (repeatable) = Summon LichBossRepeatable_C

Mad Chimera = Summon NerdBoss_C

Mad Chimera (dungeon) = Summon NerdBossDungeon_C

Mad Chimera (repeatable) = Summon NerdBossRepeatable_C

Bunshido = Summon BunShido_C

Bunshido (asleep) = Summon BunShido_Asleep_C

Bunshido (tunnel) = Summon BunShido_Tunnel_C

Bunshido (dungeon) = Summon BunShidoDungeon_C

Bunshido (repeatable) = Summon BunShido_Repeatable_C

Beast = Summon BeastAsleep_C

Beast (dungeon) = Summon BeastDungeon_C

Bandit Boss = Summon BanditBoss_C

Bandit Boss (dungeon) = Summon BanditBossDungeon_C

Bandit Boss (repeatable) = Summon BanditBossRepeatable_C

Chiefton (muscle fat) = Summon CaveChief_C

Chiefton (bust legs) = Summon CaveShaman_C

Root Guardian = Summon RootBossDungeon_C

Long but exhaustive.




How did you find all of that?


Accidentally stumbled across, and then also just used some logic in case of herbicide that item will coincide with name in the game or whatever

theres an item missing its a type of essence that increases all growth attributes equally, it flashes the colors of all the others