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(1 edit) (+1)

I really thought I'd seen screen with enemies in the game but I guess I was wrong. Thought the movement felt fine, but you'd really need something to fight against to really know. I didn't like the sluggish mouse turning though, is it really necessary to have it so slow? The shrimp can still have its turnrate even with it fast. What's the difference between a dash the F ability? Just seems like a slightly different dodge. Camera can clip into things and you can get occluded by things. No treasure at the top of the mountain, boooooooo!

The shrimp starts to jitter as it gathers speed, most noticeable when strafing I think:

Press Z to spawn enemies. Maybe that control tip was cropped off (working on resolution fix)

I'd like to make the game feel a little weighty, but maybe could tweak it. 

F is fire dash, shift is normal non-cooldown dash. You can press X to see the list of other demo abilities and shots


Oh so that's what it was, yeah can't see it in the controls. My monitor is 1440p. X didn't seem to do anything from what I could tell.

Make sense... I'll have a fix for it next DD. Just me being stupid!
Thanks for the feedback