Very competent, solid, tight. Mechanically sound
Controls well, camera works well. Inventory interaction needs work though.
Is there more combat feedback planned (blood, effects etc)? Could really use it
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Recent community posts
Very competent. Did I play against a real play there?
Only advice I can offer is the obvious points:
Game needs more UI juice and sfx and stuff
Deck builder feedback could definitely be improved. Probably wanna let players know explicitly that you can add non-classed cards to your deck
Overall, played a couple matches. Good time
Insane progress since the last time I played.
>I dig the vector vision. Maybe it could be black green and cybery? Maybe not.
>It's funny this game has more vertical movement freedom than shrimp game lol. Feels good exploring the maps
>I like the hot girls. I was pretty horny today!
>Some of the sfx are pretty rough, but I assume a lot of them are just wip placeholders.
>I'd like more enemies to shoot like others have mentioned
Seems like you're getting close to some kind of vertical slice? Keep improving and polishing things! Keep it up!!
Your rmb skill is charge and release, so simply charge it until the bar is full then let go to use it. The earth ability needs you to aim at the ground.
Some of the confusion you have is definitely valid, mostly a concession to it being a multipayer first game at the moment (no pausing when choosing stats, gameplay loop, pressure etc).
Thanks for trying it!
An extremely polished and competent metroidlike. Probably the most visually cohesive game out of all of AGDG.
Some notes:
>I'd like more enemy damage feedback. Maybe play with scailing or knockback a bit more, or dare I say.... numbers?
>That said, the primary weapon feels GREAT to use imo
>Very impressive UI
>Music is phenomenal
>Camera limitations emerged during the first boss fight? I would've liked my aim tied to my cursor in that moment. I couldn't react fast enough to his dash since I couldnt see him
>Gotta have more taken damage indication
>I think when I die I get locked in the player menu?
Keep it up man.
Would you mind uploading a .zip version? ion wanna upgrade winrar or 7zip... I really wanna play though (big monkey ball fan)
Edit: Thanks for reuploading. Some feedback:
>Cute on-theme title menu. Though, make the menu buttons not so greyed out when scrolling over them? They should increase in opacity imo
>Right off the bat, I think the movement is way too drifty? Played a lot of monkey ball clones in my day... It seems like a central mechanic is going fast, why punish it?
>Enemy combat is kinda cool. I assume the player's knockback is tied to speed, so this kinda ties in with above. Don't punish players for going fast. Also, their knockback felt inconsistent. Do they have different knockback coefficients in the first level? I got bodied instantly by one of the last ones for doing a move that worked fine before...
>Gravity feels too low. I assume this is to justify the ramps? Feels pretty spacey
>Solid camera movement
You got a solid foundation here. Most things I mentioned can be ameliorated by simple number tweaks.
It's hard to deviate too much from the monkey ball movement scheme, simply because of how much they got right (see how even minor alterations in the player controller logic can ruin a game in the recent monkey ball remakes). Don't be afraid to stay close to home. Monkey ball with big boob women and some tweaks can be good
Brainlet here:
Not entirely sure if I understand the turn system and how it plays with the characters being recalled.
I think from a pure juice perspective I'd like to see this played at a higher level by the dev before I really say anything definitive. I'd like to see if this game rewards big huge satisfying board clear combos like I assume it would.
Otherwise, it's not very satisfying launching things at one or two blocks over and over? Like I alluded to, though, I could just be bad
I'm not too familiar with VS likes, but I had an okay time.
Not entirely sure if adding actives to an autoattack genre is secret sauce; I thought the whole point was to kind of turn your mind off and enjoy the dopamine machine?
Still, combat felt pretty good from a noob perspective. Upgrades could be simplified maybe? I think the UI could use some improvement in accessibility.
Maybe take nothing I said here seriously
Buncha new stuff. Some notes:
>Having a controller plugged in might make your control list display controller buttons instead of kbm. Don't be alarmed.
>Controller aiming isn't perfect yet. I recommend kbm for now.
>The new Sunken Polis map doesn't have an end game for solo mode yet. Still, check it out!
>There are secret puzzles on the Sunken Polis map... try to find them all!
>There's a playtest built up on steam if you want to play with mates:
Damn. That's a bit of an old card... What framerate are you getting?
You could try lowering the resolution. That sometimes helps. I'll include graphical settings sometime soon
Here's the musician's yt btw:
If you wanna play online, download the Steam playtest build and have Steam running: