hey scrib! I'm trying to play on a Mac (m1 chip, in case that changes anything), but the game doesn't seem to run. if I attempt to open it, it states that "The application 'Eggular Game v0.9.9.M.app' can't be opened." Is there any fix for this, or any way that you know of to run the game on Mac?
Thank you so much for your time.
Hey! Sorry about the issues, you might need to open a terminal and give the program permission to run. You can do that by navigating to the location and running the command, remove the brackets! (chmod +x Eggular Game v0.9.9.M/Eggular Game v0.9.9.M.app/Contents/MacOS/'Eggular Game v0.9.9.M')
Need to do this because I'm not a recognised developer for IOS devices. I don't have any IOS devices :S I hope this helps! Enjoy the game!