Thank you for the feedback! I’m gonna be releasing a new patch with some changes to linking objects soon, I hope it helps. I saw your entry to the Jam as well, gonna give it a go soon!
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It’s difficult to say. I worked on this game over several years and over that time I worked on other projects that helped me improve this. A game such as this isn’t something that can be done all at once is the best advice I can give. Need to incrementally work on it over time. It’s also a very creative outlet, finding ways to interpret my dreams was fun! I wish you luck with your project if you do decide to make one! Let me know if you do, I’d love to play it! The more dream games the better!
Ah, you mean the custom symbols they use? Fazoyish is a font I used in the game, each symbol is the same each time. If it’s any help as to understand the letters, they all somewhat resemble the standard latin alphabet. The reason I made the font and had some characters use it is to resemble how sometimes in dreams text doesn’t make sense or something someone says doesn’t make sense. I hope that makes sense!
While I agree with the sentiment here, the execution is a bit heavy handed.
I have a comedic game “Eggular Game” and I have an AI sound that plays that pokes fun at AI. It’s the only AI I’ve used in the game. However, somewhat ironically, I’ve stained my game with an AI black mark due to this. If this is to be enforced are there exceptions that can be made or can I expect my game to be removed if I don’t mark it as AI?
Additionally, what or who decides if something is AI or not?
Understood, well I hope you stick around and I hope it isn’t anything too bad. I’ll still post updates on games here as well as discord, I’ll have another QO progress update out before the end of this month as I’ll need to take stock of if I can get it done before the end of October like I said. Don’t be a stranger tho, my email is always open too:-
I had to finish it! I archive all the egglike games. No egglike escapes my egg fingers. Wasn’t so bad. I did end up muting the game but there were some interesting ideas. I reckon if you had a little less platforming and more exploration like all the Sandlers, some goofy but not ear bleeding music. You’d have something here, hope you keep making stuff!
Hey there! I use the Unity engine to make this. The first version which was the one I made for the game jam took 3 months of building a few hours a day. The current version that I’m working on now I’ve been chipping away at for around 5 months of the same, a few hours a day. I hope you do well with your assignment! If you end up releasing what you make I’d love to give it a go! :D
Wow! Let's break these down
1. It's related to a project I am working on with a friend. It isn't out yet.
2. Nope, only there for King slander purposes
3. That is the spacetown orb! It's from my first game called "Scrib's Adventure"... I would recommend it but it isn't my best work
4. The humming one has a chance to send you to the clownrooms. The other bamboo one is just there to taunt you.
5. They just like to watch. Apparently they have names
6. Nope, you break the bridge on your way over. Shoddy craftsmanship if you ask me. (There will be in the last v2.0 update!)
7. there are 6!
8. nope
9.Nope the cookie ending is the secret one, other than the true end for 75 hams
10. Nope, let him cook 😎
11. Yes, but it is very difficult
12. The crashed spacetown orb? Nothing, it crashed
13. No, that would be stealing
14. Sort of, if you find the way out of bounds
15. Red
16. Gutsman
17. If only there were enough keygens...
18. Something might fall out, careful with that one. It's one way.
19. They give you a big hand!
20. Sky water, don't drink this...
21. Yeah if you jump a lot. He doesn't like that very much though.
22. Flamingo! They have a nice pond. Best spot to sit, relax and do nothing for a bit if you ask me.
23. Blue sheep? He is purple? Some say he has a magic portal in his mouth.
24. meme
25. Hidden wall? Yep, I think so
26. They are refrigerated for your convenience
27. It came from outer yolk! Nah it's a hot dog squid actually. Made of Chrome!
28. The marble? There is a ham in there
29. Speen!
30. Glitched
Aha, more questions!
My cube appears on the second island. V should probably do the trick.
1. Thanks for asking! I feel pretty egg shaped
2. Try replacing your brain ram. Sounds like it's borked
3. It's the sequel for now. If there is gonna be more of Eggular it would probably be something different.
4. Right now I'm working on Nyt-Net! The update is due by January at the latest. Then I'm working on the final update to Quantum Origination!
5. Yes, it's on hold for now though. Update probably after I'm done with QO
6. When it's done yeah! Not just now though
Hallo Lord Cambernon!
I'm glad you have been enjoying my game! :D
Many questions here, I'll do my best to answer them!
1 & 2. There is indeed, its related to your second question actually. It is also one of the missing achievements you're looking for.
3. Unfortunately not, there isn't a lot to see either. Its the farmhouse in Moo Moo Farm in MK64 though!
4. The huts are accessible, another achievement as well. I'd suggest looking carefully in that area. Try to avoid the beavers though... They aren't very friendly. The Scuttlebug island is accessible through the wizard, not sure why the wizard would only teleport you to once place though?
5. There is! They like the houses a lot but don't want to get too close, try checking outside the third one.
6. There is one I highly doubt you'll find. It is called "It's a secret to everyone", super secret achievement. The others shouldn't be too difficult though! Try finding my egg on the second island and talking to me. That is another achievement!
7. One ending only unlocks after collecting more than 75 hams, it is the only way to curb the king's appetite!
8. That would be telling ;)
9. The one where you can find my avatar is one, there are others if you look carefully. My favourite is if you stand in a spot for a while... another is if you clip out of bounds and enter a place with a friendly frog among not so friendly clowns.
Hope this helps! All the best, Scrib🥚
Thanks for playing and the feedback! I do have a plan to add a confirm feature as I have that currently in Eggular and Nyt-Net. Once I've finished the next big update for this game it will have a confirm before exiting.
The worlds are getting a redesign in the next update to better reflect my dreams, but also to use new dev techniques I've learned. It should hopefully fix the sprint issue. I'm a firm believer of the standard movement speed should be sprint speed... Especially if the inclination is to hold sprint a lot while playing.
Finally, something you might be interested to know, I'm gonna be bringing VR support to this game as well. I noticed you had few videos on your channel about it. I think it will be a pretty unique experience! I hope you check it out when it comes out. At this point, I'm thinking it will likely be near the beginning of next year! Thanks again :D
Hey! Sorry about the issues, you might need to open a terminal and give the program permission to run. You can do that by navigating to the location and running the command, remove the brackets! (chmod +x Eggular Game v0.9.9.M/Eggular Game'Eggular Game v0.9.9.M')
Need to do this because I'm not a recognised developer for IOS devices. I don't have any IOS devices :S I hope this helps! Enjoy the game!
Well I'm working on one more small hotfix before I'm done until I can somehow introduce saving to this monster. I don't know how to fix the warping issue as yeah, I think the balls escape confinement before the door is blasted open... Either way, expect the hotfix tonight. As for your nitpick, don't worry. There will be more weird games on the way soon!