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Though if you still felt that way past wave 5 or so then wow, I'm impressed.

Well as far as I can tell all you need to do is roundhouse kick them as they run up to you and run away if you miss. Even if you get hit you can just run away and you won't die. The hardest part was probably fighting the camera to get good angles. Here's a vid of what I mean:

I guess it would be more difficult if I had set them to attack the orb too though.

Could you quantify what you don't like about the camera? And please don't apologize.

Basically its hard to get it too look where you want it to and it feel inconsistent and changes pitch sometimes by itself for example when you wouldn't expect it to. Like running in a straight line. Your character is most often not in the center and when turning it it just feels awful when it turns around some random pivot point. It lazily pans to the sides while you can barely see whats in front of your character.  It all makes it hard to gauge distances with so weird control of the camera, which isn't really a good thing in a fighting game.

...I never once thought to try just sprinting away when you get hit. Oh man.

Yeah no that definitely makes it a lot easier to get out of a bad situation than I'd intended. Thanks a lot for pointing it out.

That's all very fair criticism of the camera. I've got a lot of ambitious ideas for how it's supposed to work, but they're not working out quite like I'd hoped. I'll add an option that takes it down to something Dark Souls-style simple and predictable.

...I never once thought to try just sprinting away when you get hit. Oh man.

Hahaha yeah that's why its so good to have play testers.  It'll be a problem if you're always faster than enemies and there not being any ranged. But having something you need to protect like the orb would make the strategy more difficult. From what I've gathered you're not sure where you're going with the game.  I think it should be one of your top priorities to figure out now because of to balance and design the game will depend on it going forward. So have a singular vision for it and remove all the sandboxy options like what the enemies attack etc.

One idea would be to make it level based, have the enemies attack both you and the orb, and the orb going on a set path through levels. So the goal would be to protect the orb until it reaches the end of every level. Could have you unlock different moves and stuff if you want to go that route, secrets and stuff to find out in the dark if you dare run from the orb about, etc.

Well, the main thing is that you probably shouldn't get your sprint bonus when you're recovering from a hit; that's a simple oversight on my part that makes the intended ways of surviving a mistake long enough to recover (namely dodging and blocking) completely superfluous. The other thing is AI improvements, which is a little more complicated, but nothing impossible.

I do have a pretty decent idea of the final overall game flow; with the orb leading you through ~5 procedurally generated levels/areas of ~5 waves, with a boss fight/wave at the end of each.

I know I'm gonna want both sections where you have to split your attention to defend the orb and sections where you only have to defend yourself, which is why there's the mode select in the current prototype. The finished game won't let you pick in regular gameplay.

The things I'm still not sure of is stuff like "how smart should the orb be" and "how do I wanna implement a damage system for the orb".

I think I probably won't have any use for the orb-attack-only mode in the finished game, but it's there for testing purposes for now.

I do have ideas for unlockables, but it'll probably be lore/backstory and costumes/cosmetics, rather than character progression.
But all that's way in the future right now. I got basic mechanics to implement, like y'know, walking animations.