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Thanks for the feedback. Trying to get the right balance of movement where some people say its too twitchy, others too slow. The final area of the game was just a joke to make it intentionally ridiculously hard, but the rest should show that brute forcing can work against even difficult areas like the laser maze. I am still debating some kinds of "add a red outline to hazards" sort of modern approach, to see how it stacks up against the art. Since yeah like an IWBTG kind of game, I could argue its okay to let people be confused about what killed them and then rewind time trivially. But its about striking a balance, thanks!

I think restrictions on how the rewind juice is used could make it more interesting to design around. For example have it be a limited resource and put rewind juice in places around the level. Or make it so in some areas it cannot be used. 

I don't think a red outline would be good specially since you enjoy surprising the player and telling them ahead of time of the danger would defeat the purpose. The thing right now is that dying is inconsequential. I believe that putting some way to make dying sting just a bit more would make all those enemies and dangers click better.