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I see a lot of promising mechanics!

The mood is chill and the main character very cute, I really wanted to know more about her and her curse X) I also have the feeling that was a lot of work and ambition for the little time you had for the whole project.

Obviously I'd like to play more about it, mostly cause I'm not overwhelmed by entire paragraphs so the story is easy to follow and seems fast paced, which I enjoy for a visual novel. I'd like to dive more into the gameplay of the sexual intercourses, understand their role in the whole game and how it advances the story. Same for all the characteristics. 

I'm glad you manage to finish a first version and publish it, I hope you'll find some time to show more of your big idea for this whole game X)


Thanks for the feedback! ^^

Yes, it was quite a lot of work (and still is as development continues)
But as of today, I feel that the framework on several components are really solid.

I'm hard at work to better implement the different gameplay beats and try to better incorporate it into the intro as the current version is just a wall of text that is kind of long x'D The longer the intro, the harder it is to follow.

But I want to keep the story kind of fast paced as I know myself how hard it is for me to keep focus it there is too much text to go through.