Had some more time on my hands today and finished all 5 victory conditions. I have some more thoughts.
1. A positive one - you seem to have solved both the issue of late-game bloat and paralysing amount of upkeep in Stacklands, as well as the issue of gameplay-stalling bottlenecks in Cultist Simulator. In other words, Beecarbonise maintains a steady pace throughout the whole playthrough and doesn't outstay its welcome. Congratulations! All three games brought something new to the table, I hope there'll be many more in this genre.
2. There's only one musical track. It's ok, but I quickly got tired of it, so I wanted to turn it off to play some of my own music but turns out there are no separate volume controls, just a global mute button! That's not ideal, I don't want to turn off sfx, all those pops and clicks are not only satisfying but provide gameplay information (like if event is about to end)!
3. So the way I understand, a "round" is a global unit of time that also governs when random events spawn... why not display this global timer just like you do for each sector (seconds left till next round)?
4. It would have been nice to see resources-per-round count for each of the three resources, not just for emissions. Would have been useful for balancing Money against People, and just in general fun to see.
Thank you for a wonderful experience.