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(1 edit)

The concept in this one blew me away. Among the games in the Duet Jam, this is the one that could only be a two-players game. Brilliant way to meet the idea of the jam!

The writing is also great: well organized, witty and even poignant at times. It really made me want to play straight away. Full marks on Creativity and Writing from me.

The rock-paper-scissors gameplay loop has something missing. I gave it a low rating, because it doesn't quite work just yet.

During our gameplay, we had a lot of fun until we got stuck in a prolonged duel. It was clear from the first few turns that my character was going to succumb, but it took dozens of turns for my seemingly inevitable death to actually happen. I think that there is some mechanics missing–some way to provide unexpected comebacks and twists of fate. Maybe some way for action cards to get back into play? Honestly, if you find a way to make the loop less deterministic, The Duel might be a commercial game. It's that good. Thank you for creating and submitting it!