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That's a good catch. Fixed the switch and reload issue and I will release new patch soon.

As for the guard, yes. It's most likely broken, but never worked right with that combat system to begin with. Enemies attack random targets and so far there is no skill to make them attack specific target, which makes using the guard option a coin toss in most cases, since the enemy will likely attack someone else. On top of that, I think it works only for certain amount of time and not untill your turn comes up again.

I removed the defend option for now, but I will put it back once I add some actual aggro management.

I fixed the typo and adjusted the perk values. That being said, the entire perk system is not balanced properly yet so if you find anything else unbalanced, be sure to tell me.

NPCs don't trade between each other for now, but some have restocking items and money. Items you sold to them should stay with them. This was done mainly so that you can't get completely rid of some important items you might need later, for example the rope and dynamite.

I will do something about the money though. This will be a temporary solution, but should make things little more interesting.

Every week, most NPCs will restock their money. This amount will be modified in a range from -80% to +80%, so you can have weeks where everybody is poor but you can also have weeks when everybody is rich. Again, temporary thing.

Again, thanks for the feedback. Be sure to tell me if you find more bugs or have other suggestions.

you got discord?

I do, but I'm not really using it that often. I check on it once every day or two and that's it. It's better to keep all messages here so others can see them too and can discuss any suggestions and what not.