Haha I'm glad it made you happy but all I said was just truth!! <3
Thanks for telling me all the timeline, now I understand all of it And... I need to read all of this ! And... You don't know how much I'm hyped right now to ear that we will have another VN ! Way longuer on top of this ! I can't wait to see it ! I can't wait to see them together and I hope everything will go well for them !! :p
And... Seeing the story unfold is not exciting, it's WAY MORE THAN EXCITING ! Gah I want to travel in time to see how it goes ! But It's also nice to just wait to see :o
Anyways, have a nice day too !! Mine is about to end (I'm french) but the story you told me today with your VN made it greater :D
Ps : I'm kinda glad to ear that you love Battam too... Because that mean I will be able to see new adventures of him and his love from time to time ! Too coooooool !