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Fun game but it would be easier to farm girls if the camera didn't keep defaulting to the starting position.  Shops would be more convenient if you could see how much money you have.  Girls having random chat dialogue would be better than just showing their stats as that should just be displayed when looking at them.  Easier to see which ones are low instead of asking them individually and dialogue would give them some personality.  Any plans to tame the golem girl?  I've captured all the girls so far and fed them milk.


Yes!, I do plan to make the golem girls tamable, I'm still working out the details, since I also want to make them available for people who don't follow the "slaves" route.

could you elaborate on the "camera keeps defaulting"?

Thank you for your comment.

(1 edit)

Lets say I wanted to farm Forest Elementals which I did.

  1. Go to Twilight Forest
  2. Move mouse left to the forest area
  3. Fight and win
  4. Camera resets to center
  5. Repeat 2-4 until capacity has been reached.

In this adventure I keep having to move the camera back to the area I'm focused on which is slightly inconveniencing.  Light Fairies are easier as their territory is in the default area of the camera.

Plains of Prax is not as bad as even though Female Slimes are more common in the area to the far right they still show up commonly at the ruins.  Still if I moved the camera over there it jerking back to default is me fighting with the camera to get the task done.