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Deleted 32 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I do feel like there are certain scenes and characters that are well written. Which makes me feel even worse when I get confronted again with the large part of the script that is so incredibly sub par and non sensical.

Teacher: Oh this druid has a lot of history with the academy, it will be almost impossible to convince her!

MC just walks into her house and almost demands she helps without even knowing what is going on with her.

Druid: Why should I help you when you are being so rude to me? Anyways, if you answer my riddle I will give you the information you seek!

I'm sorry... what?

Deleted 32 days ago

For real. I mean, it literally starts out with MC drinking with Sam and telling her basically everything that was supposed to be secret from chapter one and she's just like "Wow. Anyway, about the tournament." 

Then you discover any of the women MC didn't get with in chapter one are now available, but only because they were all banging Jacob before he kicked the bucket, so their all basically his leftovers 😂

Ashley's character is terribly written as well. I think basically the only improvement was getting rid of the Audrey triangle, since it didn't really make sense how it was. 


Oh, I almost forgot that anytime someone is saying important story things, MC is just having internal dialog about their bodies the whole time. It might have been funny if used once, but it's several times and overall boring and detrimental.