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(1 edit)

<BTW, I just release 1.5.2, this fixes some of the issues that you mentioned>
Yep, it is working fine now. Even with high res shadows activated.

<Now that I thought about it,  I'm not so sure. Using right click to select something feels very weird. Maybe, I can just add an option to disable the left-click to create path. Also, I can tweak the tolerance to favour shooting when the user clicks near the enemy.>
Yes, i think it will be the best solution to let players chose how to control the game. And tweaking the tolerance would help a lot. I am playing on a big screen and very often I don't manage to click at the enemy tile i want to attack and trigger movement instead. Maybe I am too clumsy. Now imagine playing this on a smaller device ...

<That's a good idea. To tell the truth, I only use the CTRL key, never the button.>
... now that you tell it: that is pretty comfortable. I didn´t know  you could throw nades that way :)

After playing the same map over and over again I can conclude: AI behaviour is really variable now, that keeps the game interesting. Every battle is different, that is really cool. I think that the AI is doing better on open fields or when I only cover behind a fence or wall, i.e. as long as there is a line of sight. When I hide inside or behind a building AI is struggling more and sometime doesn't flank consequently.  I think that is ok if you want the AI to be beatable. Because in big battles in which the AI outnumbers you, hiding behind or inside buildings is basically the only way to win (when playing on very hard level).

This situation for example: Enemy strength was 3 times as much as my team's strength. I tried to defend on open field, inside the building etc. I lost many times because I got shot through the windows, AI naded the doors etc. How did I win? I just set up my soldiers like in the picture below and never moved them, just waited for interrupts (except Zanata who killed the enemies who managed to get inside of that building). And the AI did me the favor and moved the enemy soldiers into the line of fire again and again (enemy attacked from the top of the picture). 

Do you have a schedule for future development? Just wondering what the next steps are going to be ...

Yeah, the AI isn't smart enough to avoid going into location where it was previously interrupted. In fairness, your scheme would fail if more than one enemy attacked at the same side. You would only kill the first guy and the second would get through.

I don't know when next version is, but from now on I am only releasing 1 new feature per version.  This will make it more controlled and releases will be more frequent.

<You would only kill the first guy and the second would get through.>
Exactly, that is the problem: the AI only moves one or max. two attackers around that corner per turn. And they usually come around the corner with not enough APs to attack. So even if I couldn't kill the second attacker by interrupt, I could simply kill him on the next turn.