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Love it! I think there is so, so much here that could be expanded into a larger game. I could see it even becoming a sub-genre of rogue-likes. I started off in over my head with a 6 suspect game and would have sent poor Konstantin Jacob off to the gallows if it weren't for the keen mind of Inspector Brown (Who is clearly better at the job than you). The tileset is great and fits the mood of the game perfectly. The UI/UX is wonderful, especially for a game made under time constraints. I can tell a lot of thought went into the UI because of all the little details (like carrying over your current clue into the mind castle). My one piece of criticism is that I think the game very much gets broken up into 2 games. Game 1: Collecting clues and Game 2: Solving the puzzle. As it stands, I feel the purpose of Game 1 is mostly for atmosphere building, as mechanically you are really just going into each room and bumping the clues. It would be really cool to intertwine Game 1 and Game 2 more, but I'm not really sure what that would look like. Maybe you spend several days in the mansion, and different random scripted events can happen throughout the course of the visit ("You notice Oscar Raven tip-toeing through the Library at midnight"). Perhaps more NPCs get murdered if you can't solve the case in time. Anyways great job, and I'd love to see the concept evolve!

(1 edit)

Wow, those are some really cool ideas for expanding the game.

I agree that it does currently have a "two-part" game setup, getting the clues then solving the logic puzzle.  Technically you could enter the clues you find into your mind castle as you collect them, but while I was testing the game myself, I ended up doing exactly what you describe, getting all the clues first.  Even if you were determined to enter them as you go, some clue types require you to wait until you have other clues to do something with them, which would stymie you on that front.  I had a few ideas on how to break that up, but ultimately, I had to cut them to keep the scope manageable.  But maybe for a future version!

Thanks for playing!