Ok, I'm usually not into fighting games at all, but that one looks pretty funny. Congratulations to this project! If I were pupil at that school......... :D
I like the characters and the background animations (airplane, tram). The man with the fish reminded me on the fish seller from Asterix... I had, however, big trouble playing the game, because an in-game explanation is severely missing. I ended up pushing all buttons on my keyboard before I found what I should do. Also, the start button: I clicked on the picture, cause I thought that I was supposed to do that. (Yes, I'm dumb.) ^^;
The figures although funny, are a bit too low poly, maybe, but I have no clue about that. Also, a defeated person tends to sink into the ground. I would find it much cooler if it were just walking away with hanging head or limping away, jumping on one leg only or something as this would fit better to the fun setup.
One more suggestion: the title pic looks serious, but then it's rather fun, so maybe you want to change that?