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Another top notch entry, Endmark.  Everything looked good, felt good, sounded good.  The level of polish you have on there is fantastic.  I'm always impressed by how much you can do in just 2 weeks.  (Plus your willingness to share and help others.  Really appreciate all your advice, btw!)

The one suggestion I have would be on the UI.  With where it was and how small it was, I didn't really glance down at it much.  More got tunnel movement on my character and the boss.  Likely just a personal thing, though.  And no real thoughts on how to "fix" it (helpful, I know).  So do with that what you will.

Amazing entry, as always.  Gonna have to study this one more after rating everyone.

I think that's an excellent observation about the UI. In my initial plan, you start on foot and when you pick up your first energy cell that UI comes in and Bot tells you what it's for and then a little later Bot tells you he learned about the hyper roll technique and teaches you to do it, then you get that UI added. Then a little after you discover a TrooperBot to hijack into and Bot explains it has armor and can sustain some damage (and also be customized at the terminal) and that UI pops in. But all that got cut for the deadline!

I did notice on most streams it wasn't clear to players when they were taking damage. Thanks for playing.