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Brainfart Studio

A member registered Aug 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well done.  Simple and effective game with a really solid narrative.  I always love when real world issues are portrayed so well and you have definitely done that here.

Definitely nailed the essential to gameplay part.  No way you could brute force it with the audio off.

The under the desk part through me off a little.  I thought I could play with keyboard OR mouse.  Took me a while to check my mouse.  Would like to see a little more description of that, either via a post it note or in the game's description.

But the audio is the focus, and morse code certainly fits the bill on that.  Nice job. 

Was hoping you kept going with this one, and you did!  You've nailed the old-timey feel in both rounds quite well.  Even the alliteration in your script.

I'm with Keltfire.  I think just a touch more initial focus on the gameplay itself.  Which from your response, you already have going through your mind so I digress.

The audio was the focus on the round.  While you can play a little without it, you won't do very well (and I don't think you could win, although I wouldn't put it past someone in this group to do it...)  Certainly hit the essential part in my book.

I think you're onto something special with the series.  Great work!

I appreciate that!  We do what we can to make it work, yeah?

Not actually a lag.  It's a slowdown time feature.  Originally had a different use, but had to cut it for (ironically) time.  May add that in after the jam.

Really cool use of red-figure pottery style!  My wife was an art history minor, so seeing unique styles brought is always a plus in my book.

Audio cues were definitely essential.  And quite fitting for each animal (though I couldn't hear the hydra).

I'll agree with HalfSmore that it felt like a lot of keybindings.  Though I don't really have a suggest of how to better that at the moment.  Will do some thinking and let you know if anything comes to mind.

Really solid entry all around.  I think you nailed the aesthetic both visually and audibly.  Great job.

Kinda reminded me of Luigi's Mansion meets Zombies Ate My Neighbors.  In all the right ways.  Cool take on ghost hunting.

The controls felt just a touch clunky.  I like the item selection.  But everything else, maybe consolidate into one button.  Trigger for vacuum, X for just felt like a lot.  Just my opinion, of course.

Well put together.  Nicely done.

2 minutes and 30 seconds before the deadline!?  You were cutting it close!

Interesting little Wario Ware style.  Minigames are always fun to see.  Sub and ski I got pretty good at without looking, so good use of audio!.  Couldn't quite figure out the skull one.  Would do one really good, then one really bad.

The one thing I think is really missing is some sort of loop to tie them together.  Maybe go to a certain limit, then back to the title screen?  Or maybe to the next game?  They didn't seem to transition between each other very much.  But with that not being the focus of the round, I digress.

A nice entry.  Cheers!

I knew your name looked familiar!  When I was playing this, I was like "wait a minute...this feels familiar..."  I remember Forest Treasure from last year!

The aesthetic and mood were good.  Mood and a little creepy.  Took me a bit to figure out what I was doing (aside from looking for the medallion).  Level design was good though.  I didn't feel like I was wandering aimlessly or anything.  Just a touch more hand holding on what I should be doing would be nice.

Nice entry all around.  Cheers!

I completely missed the How To Play section!?  How did I miss that?

Getting that done.  Thanks for the feedback!

Ha!  I'm actually the top of a leaderboard for once!  Though I know it will be short lived once somebody figures out there's one here...

Some really nice stuff going on here.  Controls felt good.  Was glad to see a WebGL build this time, too.

Audio was really nice, though I wouldn't say essential.  But the way everything was brought together?  Very pleasing.

Solid entry overall.  Cheers!

I'd agree with that.  I think it would take away from the experience/mood.  Itch page is a better choice.  Cheers!

lol, I had to try 3 different keyboards before I could actually play.  I thought most keyboards had a limit of 6 simultaneous inputs.  Apparently all of mine are 3...  But I finally got it!

Interesting take on the theme.  Good use of the audio.  Definitely couldn't play without it.  Well done.

Not the direction I was expecting anyone to go in this round.  But beautifully done.  Good story.  Audio was very fitting and helped tell the story.  Took me a moment to figure out I could click for the audio to play.  I'd recommend communicating that to the player.  But that's a pretty small thing overall.  Really solid entry.  Great work!

I had fun watching you share your progress in the Discord.  Solid platformer.  Good use of the audio cues to give instructions.  I think the "Hello, Secret Agent Q" at the beginning of every audio cue gets a bit repetitive, but it's a pretty minor thing.  Good use of multiple play mechanics with the parachute, sniper, darkness...just a wide variety all around.  Nice job.

Cool concept.  I considered echolocation, but couldn't actually think of a way to utilize it.  This was a really clever take on it!  I would like to see a little more explanation of what's going on.  Maybe a little more explanation in the game page description?  I'm assuming you need to avoid the walls?  Eat the enemy bat pellet?  Still managed to make it past a level or two, though.  Nice job.

Simple but effective rhythm game.  Cheesed it by just tapping on EVERY beat.  Would like to see a score system of some kind (aside from just the end validation) just to give a bit of replayability.  All around, solid entry for the criteria.  Good job!

Completely fair.  I had a lot of trouble with that modifier.  Definitely a bit forced.  Did the best I could with it.

Appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback.  Cheers!

Hey, now THIS is the kind of stuff I like!  Super constructive and good reasonings to go along with it.  All really solid suggetions.  Definitely on the "take 'em!" side.

The UI/visual elements are all fairly simple suggestions.  I can make those happen!

The lowest leaderboard score is a fantastic addition.  Will take a little work, but I can add that to my leaderboard template.

The 10,000 points unlock is partially in place.  That and a few other features were added (powerups and whatnot), but in the interest of time/balancing were cut.  Maybe if I keep going on this in round 2...

Learner wave, also started but cut for time.

All absolutely spot on advice and I agree with your logic behind all of them.  I appreciate all the feedback!

And sure thing!  GDKO is one of my favorite game jams.  I got SOOO much helpful advice and progress in the past.  So anything I can do to help pay it forward, I'm there.  Cheers!

Did the best I could with that 2 button modifier.  That one threw me off!  But I'm glad you found it fun.  That's the ultimate goal, yeah?

I appreciate the feedback and the kind words!

Hey, that's completely fair.  Tried the best I could with the modifier.  You win some, you lose some.  I appreciate the feedback anyways!

That's a great suggestion!  Give a little more lenience to the player.  Adding that to the to-do list if I use this in round 2.

Tried to do the best I could with that 2 button modifier.  That sucker threw me for a loop!

Glad it felt fun.  That's the ultimate goal, yeah?  I appreciate all the kind words!

Thanks!  I appreciate the kind words!

Thanks, ProSmashy.  Did the best I could with that 2 button modifier!

I'm always impressed by what you can do with 3D in such a short time.  And the art style in this hits the mark for me.

I would like to see a little more thought put into the UI.  It felt a little rushed.  I think someone on a stream mentioned having a crowd gather the more you ate?  I like that idea to play up the spectacle more.

Glad to see you got the leaderboard working (though I may have broke it...mwahaha!)

For being a minimalist style, the visuals on this are so good.  Really solid use of lighting.  Gonna have to study this one once I've finished rating everyone.

I do think balancing could be improved a touch.  The enemies felt really fast compared to the character.  Occasionally, I felt like I didn't have enough time to respond.  And I sort of felt too big to move around (or the maze felt too small?).

I'm gonna be really curious to see if you keep pushing this one in the future.  Overall, a solid entry.  Nice work!

(Also, Hi!!)

Went for a hard rockin', badass aesthetic...and you nailed it.  The vibe in this is spot on.

The controls felt a little off to me.  Maybe spend just a touch more time early on getting that movement/actions just right?

Really clever use of the network modifier.  I think you did a really great job thinking outside the box on the theme.

A solid entry all around.

A clever little idea!  Had fun with this one.  The art style is REALLY well done.

As others have mentioned, a tutorial would be nice.  Took me a bit to figure out what I was doing.  Managed to get 3 points (and found the 2nd key!)

You have so many subtle polish elements and it feels really good.  The particles on walking.  The spatial audio once you get the green liquid.  Some really nice juice in there.

Overall a solid entry.  Great job!

That's a great point.  If I continue this in future rounds, I'll certainly add in the visual reinforcement!  Great suggestion!

Right?  I never honestly considered the idea that regular people like me could make games until I was well into my 30s.  I just wanna make sure he sees all the different possibilities open to him.  Seems to be working so far!  (Plus its just darn fun.)

Difficulty and scaling are definitely on the agenda.  There's actually a few other mechanics already implemented, but I cut them due to time constraints.  (And I think I made the right call.  But we'll see...)

All completely fair feedback, and I appreciate it!

It was actually my wife's idea!  And it worked surprisingly well.  (Maybe I should listen to her a little more often?   ...Nah!)

Thank you for the feedback!

I only think they got on there because of a bug early on.  Corrected after Loten pointed it out.  Now I can't on there either!  (Developer reset is in order, methinks...)

Thank you for the kind words!

Thank you for the compliment!  Cohesion was something I really struggled with last year.  You made my day with this!

(I haven't forgotten about your video feedback!)

Not a fan of 2 button, honestly.  But I did what I can to get that classic arcade feel.  Glad to see it came through!

I appreciate all the kind words and the feedback.  Cheers!

I only think they got that high because I missed something prior to the submission.  They got on there before the bugfix!

I appreciate the feedback!

Really interesting concept!  I love the idea of the weapons becoming the wings.  And well animated, too.

I would like to see a little more focus on the gameplay elements.  Maybe a score element, a health bar, and a way to replay once you die.

A good entry overall.  Nice work!

For only having 2 days to work on it, this is nice.  The basics are all there.

The levels appear randomly (procedurally?) generated.  Occasionally, I got a room that I could actually get to because the platform was too far.  I'd like to see that corrected in round 2 (if you chose to continue this game, of course).

Art was pretty good.  I could definitely get the slime and tower parts straight away.

All around good entry!

For only having worked on it one day, this is quite impressive.  The time scale slow on kill effect was a really good touch.  And having multiple stages was cool.  Wasn't expecting that on the first playthrough.

I would like to be able to attack while moving.  Maybe in round two that could be implemented (if you continue this entry).

Music on the ending screen was both fitting and made me want to play again.  Really cool choice there.

Good job overall!