Thanks for reporting.
Fixed the hunger potion
Kobold warriors and leaders already drop humanoid meat in 0.29
Traits are still not balanced properly and they will need some adjusting. I will look into it change it if necessary.
As for playing with one hand, you can already do that for the most part, if you have full size keyboard. Num 0 acts as esc and enter is confirm. Only keys that are out of the way are Q and W, but PAGE down and up works just like them. I will try to add proper rebinding into the game at some point though. As for mouse control, this might happen, but not anytime soon.
Last turn memory might also happen, but I don't want to spend too much time on this combat system. I will most likely be replacing it completely sometime in the future. And as for the fullscreen, you can get the exacly same effect by pressing ALT+ENTER. The engine doesn't support any other type of fulscreen anyway.