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Thanks for the awesome feedback! I agree 100% with all your criticisms the game isn't that great. As for the big rolling rock in the lava level basically what you're supposed to do is run away from it and let it destroy an indestructible rock wall so you could progress to the other part of the level.

Huh, idk if it just me but I have tried multiple times trying to run away from the rock but the rock always outspeed the character eventually. Perhaps the timing to start running away after the rock spawned is too tight? (then I suggest loosen it a bit), or maybe there's a bug here that make the rock spawn too late? Are the player supposed to see the rock spawn out from the thin air (my experience) or are they supposed to spawn off-screen when player are nearing it? (I think the latter would be better designed, accompanied by a sound effect). Or did I just miss a sprint button lol :P

You have to use the dash ability to outrun it

oh uh so there's a dash ability? I don't think I ever found it....I guess I skipped it somehow and the game let me do it which probably not intended if the dash ability is mandatory.

Yeah it's in the mushroom level