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A member registered Feb 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Usually around the earlier areas where I didn't have the grappling hook yet, but honestly it could just me be being lazy lol

The game has lot of content for a jam game, it really is a metroidvania with a fairly chunky map, tho I wish there's some way to get around the map faster. I think the dashing as attacking mechanic is an interesting concept, but I got a bit motion sick when spamming it a lot as it also moves the camera. Overall, a good chunky game with  interesting combat idea. (also input remapping would be nice)

Thanks for playing! Did you complete the game using only trackpad? If so then its giga impressive wtf lol.

im not adhering to the mouse stereotype


Maybe you were placing the cursor high above the character instead of right infront of them? I know that will make the char moves slower with how i programmed it to be and how vector works. It's not the wrong way to play tho and I partially intended it to be like that, regardless if its a good feature or not. If this not the issue you referencing then I really dont know unless I can see it myself, maybe another screen resolution shenanigans or oversight on my part. Anyway thanks for playing and the feedback!

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Cool concept of Paper Please-like game with AI imposing as human. I'm surprised how detailed the scan system are, like you can click on every ribs and their private parts (and question it for no reason lol), it's very impressive and leave me wondering how you did it. Some things can be made more clear, like the time left for the shift, but overall a very solid game. (And the footsteps is scary af)

I would love to see how people play my game for a more visual feedback!
Wheelie Mouse and The Chamber of Traps

Thank you for your work, I'll check out yours too!

 Wheelie Mouse and The Chamber of Traps

I interpret the "aberration" theme as "unexpected and unwelcome", hence the odd mouse wheel control which i think is "unexpected" for a platformer but I dont know if it really "unwelcome". Thanks for playing and the feedback! (Also i just learnt you can scroll mouse wheel on mouse pad that's cool)

Thanks for playing and your feedback! I was going for "Freeze" interpretation of like commanding someone to not move, but in hindsight I should've make it more clear with additional visual that is more recognizable.

This game has amazing graphic, soundtrack and a lot of content and care put into it. I manage to only unlock the Block and Triangle powerup but they really made the gameplay more fun, however sometimes I just cant execute the Triangle dash, I'm not sure if it tied to a cooldown or it some kind of unintended bug. The room design is great and with good humor, but some like the Spin-Cycle and Pick Your Poison is really frustrating to go through, the hitbox on the spikes and spinning blades are too tight imo. I didn't manage to get the  Trapezium powerup and beat the game (I assume) because I got a bit stuck on finding 70 coins, but it really shows that this game has a lot of contents for a jam game and feel really complete albeit frustrating at some parts.

Bold and Brash is truly the mindset I have when doing this jam lmao.

The game has simple and fun mechanic and good graphics, but the jump height feels a bit unintuitive, as in I'm not sure if I should be able to jump pass this block or not when I barely reach the top with a jump (I hope that make sense). I was stuck in the same level as Juxxec for a while because of this problem, but I manage to figure it out.

Frozen enemies are the one that are not moving and will not be killed when shot at, they alternate between being  being frozen and not while moving down towards you. Thanks for playing!

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The main mechanic of floating using Space is kinda hard to learn and unintuitive but once I got it, I realize it's a really cool and unique mechanic and the game feels really awesome to play! But the second section of the last level is really hard tho when the first section already provide quite a challenge.

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Thanks for playing and thanks for the learning resource! I've actually planned to implement online leaderboard from that start and discover loot locker, but realized that it need more than 6 hours before the deadline for me to learn and implement as i got caught up in unexpected things that I just learnt (shaders and audio stuff). Still I really appreciate the article you linked and for sure will implement online leaderboard on my next game! (I said the same thing on my previous game before this one XD)

Congrats! Happy to see another Club Penguin players these day! My favorite mini-game is definitely the Card-Jitsu one where you play using elemental cards with rock-paper-scissor mechanic, I'm thinking about recreating it in the future as well.

Thank you for stopping by!

Hi! I've coincidentally made another game for a game jam with similar vibe from the last one so I used the "Penultimate" track again but the version from this album! Thanks again for this song its way too awesome!

The game have an interesting concept but I feel like the players doesn't have much control on the Overload meter. I think more ways to reduce the meter would be nice, even the current only way to reduce it by shooting down enemies doesn't reduce it by that much.

This guy is an actual maniac

me 2

Oh I never notice the cloth color matching with the floor, an in-game tips about that would be nice. However this kind of information may not be accessible for people with color blindness, so I suggest there could be more clear indicator aside from the color, like the number in the bubbles but bigger.

I love the game melee combat and how it plays out! But I wish the throwing mechanic is a bit more intuitive and easier to use to kill the enemies, especially the ranged enemy, I think they are way too annoying with their attack being almost instant with little to no telegraph.

The game art and sound direction is really breathtaking and fit well with the theme! But I think the gameplay is a bit too slow, especially on closing/opening the elevator and letting people in and out. Also the numbers that pop up over the people's head are too small to be read comfortably, so I suggest for it to be bigger and clearer.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm really bad at handling with sounds but I resolve to always include any kind of sound control in my future games.

Fun game! I managed to get score of 4800 by just going for all the reds. Tho I find the control to be confusing, one suggestion I have is to make the claw control be the WASD and the crane movement to be the Up and Down instead.

Congrats! Next game jam I will learn how to do a scoreboard or even an online leaderboard for sure.

Nice and simple game with input remapping, but the platforming control feels "floaty" and the spinning saw in the background is too intrusive, i suggest reducing their transparency a bit at least while keeping the one that actually can kill at the bottom and side border as it is.

Oh man I like the name given to it and I already found some awesome tracks in this pack that I want to use for future game, thank you so much!

This game is more intense and high-octane than i expected! The break mechanic really be coming in clutch moment and it feels awesome! Good balance between difficulty and fun for me, well done! (Only manage to 1cc on normal, yabai is something else!)

Hi, thanks for the awesome music! I used one for my game jam submission and it is so catchy I've been listening to it outside the game as well!

oh uh so there's a dash ability? I don't think I ever found it....I guess I skipped it somehow and the game let me do it which probably not intended if the dash ability is mandatory.

Huh, idk if it just me but I have tried multiple times trying to run away from the rock but the rock always outspeed the character eventually. Perhaps the timing to start running away after the rock spawned is too tight? (then I suggest loosen it a bit), or maybe there's a bug here that make the rock spawn too late? Are the player supposed to see the rock spawn out from the thin air (my experience) or are they supposed to spawn off-screen when player are nearing it? (I think the latter would be better designed, accompanied by a sound effect). Or did I just miss a sprint button lol :P

Nice game, it was way bigger and longer than i expected. However the controls are a bit janky especially the wall jump, sometimes the character will just stick to the wall and not letting the player jump (usually happen when combining the wall jump and grappling hook together like during that one very vertical section).

Also the big circle boss (which i assume the final boss) is just a slog to fight through, dodging the spinning bullet pattern is hard enough with the controls, guiding the missiles to damage the boss also is too slow and not really that engaging of a fight, so i ended up quitting the game there.

I'm a bit stupid in puzzle so it not really a full complaint but I cant figure out how to deal with big rolling rock that you need to use to break the wall. I ended up damaging myself from the enemy to give myself i-frame and just walk past through the rock. Don't feel like that is intended.

The worm boss is probably my favorite for its stage design, the grappling hook and also the bouncing bullets really pay off with the stage layout and it was a fun fight even if it took me multiple time so good job on that!

Aside from that the game is fine and playable especially for a first game project, your hard work has really paid off, congrats!

Hi, thank you very much for your Halloween Swing music! It was hard finding a suitable theme for my game but I think yours fit in perfectly!

Thank you for your feedback! I was on edge when deciding if the game should have a dodge or not, I thought the game would be too easy, but looking back it probably be fine in a game where you gain score by defeating enemies instead of by survival time. But using pillow as a shield is a creative idea that I never think off and would probably work well with the other established mechanic (like the wall boucning teddy enemy), so thanks for this interesting idea as well!