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(1 edit) (+1)

things got really crazy when I climbed up a bit things shooting at me and flying all over the place. Couldn't keep up and was killed. Liked the art for the hands reaching up to grab you if you go to slow.

wow 12 team members that is a lot of people must have been a fun time keeping everyone on working together. 

*I think I miss read your team list lol

Ha! Yeah, one of our team members is named "12" - there were only three of us. You're right that more enemies spawn on higher tiers, but it does cap out at a certain point. My high score is 55,000 points. I've found that taking your time, and not rushing too fast, while prioritizing food pickups is a good way to go. The hands don't increase their chase speed, so you as long as you keep a healthy distance from them, you can plan your next moves! Appreciate your feedback, and your playthru!

lol well three is better to handle then 12 for sure. 

yeah I probably rushed to get higher to much good to know the speed of the chasing hands does not increase.