I've been coming back to this game for a while and it has its charms. The story is well paced, the LIs are numerous and varied in their personalities (although they bicker way too much among themselves which can get pretty annoying).
My main issue however is with the player character. I have tried a few personality styles and backgrounds and can't help but dislike my own character. Let me explain; at the start of the game you can choose all the usual customization options that are luckily quite varied but rarely come up again. Then you choose an area of expertise like combat or gadgets etc.
The upsetting part is that none of it matters. You're supposedly this expert hunter/agent character but you are absolutely useless in all situations. Did you pick a good fighter? Too bad because you'll get your ass kicked in every instance that a fight is involved. Are you brainy? Doesn't matter because all of the other characters will explain things to you and make all the plans themselves.
Your player character is totally helpless in every situation and I found this to be quite frustrating. They are completely reliant on those around them and without agency except on who they choose to pursue as an LI.
I like this game and I think the author is talented. I just wish that more consideration was taken into making the PC feel more active (and fun to play as) in the story rather than just us the players being told they're good at what they do. From what I played they aren't at all and it makes no sense that any of these people would like them.