Hi Eichhirnchen!
Thank you so much for your wonderfully detailed review! I really enjoyed reading through it. I'm so glad you enjoyed the demo, we can't wait to bring out even more.
Rest assured that a lot of the things you pointed out don't get forgotten! Quite a lot of the game is already written, and most (if not all!) or your points are addressed. Raen's only been away from home a couple of days, give him some time ot get used to things and it'll all start to settle in ;).
As for the "bad guys", it's mostly just something you tell to scare little children and to keep them away. None of them really know whats out there, after all.
You'll find a lot more choices as the game progresses too! Since the demo only captures the first chapter, there's very little, so look forward to more!
Thank you again for writing all of that out!
- Gabby