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Hello, I would like to ask you something from a neutral point of view, I am not on either side, I've been following the game for a long time and it makes me sad that the characters are being removed from the game, and that the 2 people I had as a reference for the game; Mofu who is the creator, and Lip the person who gave the most support to the game until recently, are in discussion. My question is this; have you tried to talk after what happened? I know this is going to sound childish, but I would like to see the 2 people who were once super friends reconciling, I would like to see Lip apologising for any trouble he may have caused Mofu. And Mofu stopping being resentful, I can see that feeling in your posts, I know there's more to this than meets the eye, after all you say you've been in this relationship for years, it's better for you and the fans to get rid of those bad thoughts, it's the healthy thing to do. Mofu and Lip, if you feel remorse for what happened, it's because you took some actions based on anger, but you really didn't mean to hurt each other. Do yourselves a favour and try to make amends, I'm sorry to meddle in your relationship, but I don't like to see people fighting over mundane things.

I speak for myself and others that I have been reading that we would like to see the development resume as it was before that event, and see the girls that will be removed again, their designs were beautiful, and an argument should not be a reason to end something that was once beautiful. Best wishes to you both and the project, and please, people don't insult anyone, I say this for everyone, Mofu, Lip, and any user, talking bad about others even as a response generates a toxic and harmful environment, I know it's hard, but it's better to try to understand why that person is angry than to try to defend yourself in the same way, thanks for reading me.

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That is none of your business and he already made his choice clear, be at peace with him doing things on his own

Please don't attack me for my comment in good faith, forgive my rudeness but it seems to be the same case for you, however I see that your comments are based on hatred towards that person and you clearly want it all to end that way, plus Mofu's responses are conditioned by the comments he reads and responds to.

I know this is none of my business as well as yours, I am just trying to resolve this in a peaceful way rather than bringing out the pitchforks and torches, violence is not the solution,  violence and confrontation hurt everyone, not just one side.


The issue has already been resolved and leave it as is.

- End of the drama. -


Thank you for your conscientious consideration. 

I have always been grateful to Lip and have tried to accommodate her requests. However, she tried to stop the development of this game and asked for a lot of content to be removed, so I had no choice but to remove them. I have no desire for confrontation. And no matter how much she accuses me, I accept it.

Sorry Mofu, but you have ignored the question, I would like you to answer it please, you have acted defensively instead of trying to reason the message, calm down and read it again to answer the question please.

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i think he answered it indirectly. "i have no desire for confrontation" = no, he probably hasn't talked to her.

also, i hope his response makes it clear he doesn't want to  go into much detail regarding the situation. no matter what his reasons are, i think we should respect that and let him continue to develop as he sees fit. 

i understand why you want to get them to resolve things peacefully and potentially have lip and her content back here, but they're both adults. if they want to reconcile, they can do it. 

it's sad to see how lip lashed out, but i genuinely believe she had an unhealthy attachment to the game. this is probably for the best, drastic as it may seem.


He does not need to answer something like that. The only thing his true fans, not the fan in question, care about, is Mofu and developing the game. Everything else is secondary. You can paint this as malicious but the only one confrontational here is you, forcing someone to respond. He doesnt need to address anything else further than he has. I'm sure you can give him the respect he deserves by not pushing any further and disregarding boundaries here