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A member registered Dec 16, 2022

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Inciting suicide is intolerable, I hope that itch will take action against those of you who have done this atrocity.

Well, I find it very sad that you have decided this Mofu, I'm not saying it because of what happened with her, I'm saying it because you have allowed your community to be filled with people with very bad intentions, if it is true that they deleted her account in a matter of minutes because of the mass reports, it's scary even to follow you because of the actions that these people can take, so far I have only posted comments without insulting anyone to ask you about things I was curious about, but after watching the paronama for a couple of days, with constant insults towards me for asking a question, I have lost all desire to support you seeing that you support this issue of harassment towards a person, if you tolerate criticism as well as you say you do, why don't you stop people harassing others? I'm sorry but I can't believe anything about you after this situation.

I have talked with Lip many times after this issue. I hope that Lip has understood that on this matter.

I don't understand what you mean, wasn't she supposed to not let you use her characters? So you tried to talk to her to add them back and she refused? One more thing, there is a large percentage of your active community that is very toxic, despite asking questions in a good way everyone starts insulting me, I think you should moderate that instead of supporting it, that tends to scare off new followers, just imagine coming in, asking a question, and being insulted and told to get lost.

Hello Mofu, I would appreciate it if you could answer my question, because the question in the message has been ignored and answered with a defensive response, I don't know if it was on purpose, but I would like to know the answer to that question, sorry for the inconvenience. Original message below.

"Hello, I would like to ask you something from a neutral point of view, I am not on either side, I've been following the game for a long time and it makes me sad that the characters are being removed from the game, and that the 2 people I had as a reference for the game; Mofu who is the creator, and Lip the person who gave the most support to the game until recently, are in discussion. My question is this; have you tried to talk after what happened? I know this is going to sound childish, but I would like to see the 2 people who were once super friends reconciling, I would like to see Lip apologising for any trouble he may have caused Mofu. And Mofu stopping being resentful, I can see that feeling in your posts, I know there's more to this than meets the eye, after all you say you've been in this relationship for years, it's better for you and the fans to get rid of those bad thoughts, it's the healthy thing to do. Mofu and Lip, if you feel remorse for what happened, it's because you took some actions based on anger, but you really didn't mean to hurt each other. Do yourselves a favour and try to make amends, I'm sorry to meddle in your relationship, but I don't like to see people fighting over mundane things.

I speak for myself and others that I have been reading that we would like to see the development resume as it was before that event, and see the girls that will be removed again, their designs were beautiful, and an argument should not be a reason to end something that was once beautiful. Best wishes to you both and the project, and please, people don't insult anyone, I say this for everyone, Mofu, Lip, and any user, talking bad about others even as a response generates a toxic and harmful environment, I know it's hard, but it's better to try to understand why that person is angry than to try to defend yourself in the same way, thanks for reading me".

Mofu, I would appreciate it if you could answer my question, because the question in the message has been ignored and answered with a defensive response, I don't know if it was on purpose, but I would like to know the answer to that question, sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry Mofu, but you have ignored the question, I would like you to answer it please, you have acted defensively instead of trying to reason the message, calm down and read it again to answer the question please.

Please don't attack me for my comment in good faith, forgive my rudeness but it seems to be the same case for you, however I see that your comments are based on hatred towards that person and you clearly want it all to end that way, plus Mofu's responses are conditioned by the comments he reads and responds to.

I know this is none of my business as well as yours, I am just trying to resolve this in a peaceful way rather than bringing out the pitchforks and torches, violence is not the solution,  violence and confrontation hurt everyone, not just one side.

Hello, I would like to ask you something from a neutral point of view, I am not on either side, I've been following the game for a long time and it makes me sad that the characters are being removed from the game, and that the 2 people I had as a reference for the game; Mofu who is the creator, and Lip the person who gave the most support to the game until recently, are in discussion. My question is this; have you tried to talk after what happened? I know this is going to sound childish, but I would like to see the 2 people who were once super friends reconciling, I would like to see Lip apologising for any trouble he may have caused Mofu. And Mofu stopping being resentful, I can see that feeling in your posts, I know there's more to this than meets the eye, after all you say you've been in this relationship for years, it's better for you and the fans to get rid of those bad thoughts, it's the healthy thing to do. Mofu and Lip, if you feel remorse for what happened, it's because you took some actions based on anger, but you really didn't mean to hurt each other. Do yourselves a favour and try to make amends, I'm sorry to meddle in your relationship, but I don't like to see people fighting over mundane things.

I speak for myself and others that I have been reading that we would like to see the development resume as it was before that event, and see the girls that will be removed again, their designs were beautiful, and an argument should not be a reason to end something that was once beautiful. Best wishes to you both and the project, and please, people don't insult anyone, I say this for everyone, Mofu, Lip, and any user, talking bad about others even as a response generates a toxic and harmful environment, I know it's hard, but it's better to try to understand why that person is angry than to try to defend yourself in the same way, thanks for reading me.