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Hey thanks playing, and taking the time and effort to give lots of feedback!

The air attacks are definitely a bit unbalanced, I haven't gotten around to fixing them yet because I'm holding off until I get at least rough animations done. I plan to change air combat quite a bit, you'll bounce up a bit when you light attack an enemy in the air, allowing for air combos, and I have some ideas for various directional air heavy attacks, but nothing set in stone yet.

As for the jump collision, did you do this by pressing away from the wall/ledge and pressing jump while up against it? If so, theys intentional, there is super metroid style wall jumping in the game right now. However if it wasn't that, I'll definitely have to look into it.

Also, the boss shouldn't be doing damage on the way back to its idle position, I had fixed that previously but I think a recent change unintentionally brought it back, will fix~

At the moment, I am a solo dev doing most aspects of development myself, but I eventually plan to get a Patreon going, and explore hiring others to help with the games development!

Thanks again for playing, and showing interest in my project!