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Hello! I was one of the streamers who took part in Feedback Quest, and I'm here to leave some comments I had while playing.

I absolutely love this game. The artwork is incredibly adorable and the story is very cute. The group playing a tabletop RPG was such a great addition. It also does a great job of giving numerous small choices that slightly change the direction but don't affect things too much. This results in the player feeling very invested.

Finally, I did see that the majority of the artwork was AI generated. I know for some people, this can be a very touchy subject. That said, I do feel this is one of the best uses of it; it doesn't attempt to replicate any specific artist, instead taking on a common style of anime art and it doesn't make the art itself the focus. Instead, it uses the artwork to tell a lovely story.

I'm excited to see where this goes. I hope it does NOT ever gain hentai elements and keeps the cuteness it has now.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi! Thank you so much for the nice comment! 

I will have to check out for your stream as soon as I have time. It's a pity that I didn't know about it before. I would have loved to join it live.

Regarding the endings, do not worry: no hentai. If you go for a romantic ending, it will be exactly this: romantic and nothing more. My standard is that everything could air on day TV and that no streamer ever would run into problems with Twitch or Youtube policies. when doing a live stream. (I also simply love my characters too much to do anything indecent to them...)

EDIT: I have now watched your stream. Very nice, and you really had fun, I could tell! :D I have posted a link to your stream on Twitter.

By the way: I have updated the game in the meanwhile, so a few minor bugs that you have encountered are gone now, and the opening is new as well. The song that sounded familiar to you was by the way a classical piece "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgski from 1874, so I was quite amused when it reminded you on Zelda... More about the AI art in my game on my blog:


I have no doubt that I will stream multiple full playthroughs of this game to see all of the various endings. I'll do my best to let you know when I do!


Wow, that's fantastic! :)