Since you put up a web build, I bumped this up my queue as promised!
I realize this is a demo, and that you had limited time, so I'll try to keep my feedback to things not related to that.
Overall, it was fairly enjoyable! Gave me some Starfox vibes. The goofy story was fine for what it was trying to accomplish. Also, that was a quality gib-moment when you beat the dragon.
Controls-wise, it's fine... but I kept wishing that my movement and aiming were separate... maybe keyboard for the movement, and mouse to aim. Although if you're goal is to keep the controls mouse-only, what you have works. Also, without trying it, I can't say if my suggestion would actually feel better.
I found grabbing the crystals and dodging things to be surprisingly tough. The game was easy enough that this didn't matter, but perspective was a little hard for me to judge. One other small thing, I could barely see the tiny enemies on the space background. Took me awhile to figure out what was even happening... at first I thought shots were coming from nowhere.
As for the web build, ran perfectly on my workstation. I didn't encounter any performance issues.
I had fun playing this. I'll certainly be back for the full release, when you get there! Congrats on being the first to break the Goku curse. Just for kicks, my final stats: