I love the little wrinkles ngl.
idk. Usually when ppl talk abt weird stuff like that it's relatable. Like when ur rubbing ur eyes for a long time and see weird moving shapes (suck at describing it but ok) but anyways. Idk why it's j you. Sometimes I feel slightly nauseous and sometimes like I wanna throw up a Lil bit every now and then but nothing rlly causes it like touching stuff.
it's not just textures, when people get upset at me for something I feel nauseous or when I get upset, or when I think about something I like I get nauseous, not like butterflies, like actually nauseous, when I talk to much or write too much or read too much. I just get dizzy or nauseous a lot. And I hate the sound of toilets flushing I always have to run out of the bathroom right after. And every time I do anything it has to be done in like a certain order or I feel uncomfortable abt it. And my coffee, I have pretty big coffee cup because I need enough coffee to last the whole day so I drink slowly so it lasts, if it doesn't I just spend the rest of the day looking for something to drink cause if I don't have something next to me to drink I feel uncomfortable. Even just water I need something next to me. And I can't drink my coffee when other people are around I don't know but in my brain it's like illegal to drink it around others. I apologize to my plushies every time I'm too harsh iwth them even though I know they're not real but it feels like they are and it's so weird cause they're not and they can't feel and they don't care if I hold them from their face or throw them at the wall. I hate staying over at other people's houses I just hate the weird environment, it feels uncomfortable. We're supposed to go meet family soon but idk if I can do it I don't wanna leave I just wanna stay here and be normal. I don't know why I just don't like certain things, for no real reason, it just makes me uncomfortable.