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Ok I see, sounds fair. Do you have concrete projects in mind or going on?'s all about concrete projects!

Under the "done" tag, we already helped people paying their rents, reaching out for cancer treatment, getting regular medicine, finding jobs, even making a car available for a father to sustain his family as a Uber driver - which is not an ideal job in any way.

But we've failed to provide a single mother in the Netherlands a small amount so she could stay for a while "in the woods" with her 3 years old child until the vaccination discussion would settle down in Europe (and please notice: it's not about standing on the anti-vax ground, it's all about supporting a person suffering amidst a real crisis, regardless of their choices, until the time comes so we may have a chance - and any meaningful voice - for reasoning), we've failed to provide a good quality mattress for a person who allegedly remains for 10+ years already having few minutes of sleep each night while we couldn't find a deeply specialized medical professional able to provide a more effective treatment, we've failed to perforate an artesian well on a remote area so a small settlement could have easy access to water, we are failing to support yet another single mother in the USA area unable to find herself a job, I am failing to provide my mother some medicine as her treatments got more expensive recently, while this recently second hand bought laptop is proving itself unable to help me with some jobs I'm already losing for not having enough processing power to perform them. Despite my experience, contacts, etc, etc, etc. This thing is dragging us all.

There's this small group of caretakers which with some support are already eager to join our efforts, a business/investment consultant ready to contribute with a partnership, a 70 women group being considered to work with this internationally experienced cuisine chief, a project aiming to create this network of oxygen providers as in a recent case I had the chance to save a person's father while discovering to my dismay such a thing doesn't exist even after such a global crisis in which oxygen was crucial to making a difference, as well as the realization of what I'm provisionally calling "Solidarity Journeys", an attempt to unite people in need of help with people willing to make a difference. All of that needing really small amounts to happen, small amounts I'm failing to produce as... well. People are crazy, now. Think about what's happening right here, in this forum. It's... craziness.

Well... there's many, many more to say but the audience seems not to be really interested. After 167 views as I'm writing this (I'm not sure Google bot is counted), I guess it's time to consider a different approach. I'll wait for another week and will leave the forums if no interested people show up. I'm also considering replying to specific posts in which people do seem to be ready to work and check them for any interest in the partnership.

Sam Altman correctly said the time is now for us to rethink our society concerning AI and its impacts and, while he was pointing towards some faith in our institutions, which are hardly interested in what's good for the majority of us, I think we are at the cusp of entirely losing control over our freedom, our finances, our access to WATER - problems we are already facing all around the world but... who cares, eh? The next unfinished, barely functional triple A $90 deluxe-still-incomplete pack is right around the corner, a good number anxious to throw billionaire greedy companies their harder-than-ever earned money to sustain some executives' empty, when not openly criminal lifestyles.

Well... it's the biggest open world RPG ever created - choices REALLY matter!