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(1 edit)

I just completed playing the demo and wow, consider me blown away with the content so far! I understand that this is your first VN, but is this your first work of fiction as well? The quality of the narrative sounds very pro. And the CGs are excellent. It’s pretty rare to find good works having both of my favourite genres in literature: murder mysteries and queer romance. There is great potential in the story and I am hopeful you’ll take it in the direction that your readers and also you as a creator deserve.

If I might make a suggestion (apologies if it’s too personal and opinionated): I don’t know the scale of violence you’ve planned for Lurking, but I think it’d be great if you could limit or censor the visuals if it gets too bloody from this point onward (i.e., take the gory details out of the CGs and leave it to the reader’s imagination). There are a couple of pretty violent VNs I’ve avoided just for this particular reason despite the rave reviews. There may be many people like me who don’t minding reading about violent crime in fiction in mere words, but find it visually illustrated in pictures (or CGs) very off-putting.

Having played the likes of Straight!?, New Hope, Summer Vacation, Freshmen: Physical Education, and other great VNs, I look forward to seeing what you’ve got in store for us!


Thank you so much, I'm literally smiling as I'm sitting in my chair reading this right now. It is my first attempt at both, so I am very pleased that you enjoyed it so much. I am deeply grateful for your feedback, you have no idea how much it is appreciated.

 From this point onwards, with the introduction of a few more characters... there is bound to be more deaths but I completely get what you're saying. I could include an option for the viewer to skip the visual representation of the murders but still have it play out for you to read about. Thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely keep it in mind with the next update. 

You even mentioning those VN's in the same sentence has me absolutely fangirling!! Thank you. 

I hope you enjoy this Journey with me :)