Hey, thanks for your kind comment and suggestions! And, for streaming my game too! 🙂 I've seen the video. About progression, you can unlock different kind of trees that sell for much more, but admittedly in this version it only counts for the leaderboard. Speaking of the leaderboard, it should have been displayed after you submitted your name, but a few days ago, it stopped displaying for some reason. As it is a feature hosted by gdevelop, I suspect there's something currently wrong with their web service.
About stimuli to give a hint of the player's progression, did you have something in mind? Currently there's a badge that shows up whenever you unlock a new type of fruit (you can click to plant a new tree at a discounted price) and some sound effect for collecting, selling and buying.
Thanks for your words of encouragement! I may expand it in the future to add goals, unlockables, more content, and to target mobile platforms.