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Luna Aurora

A member registered Mar 12, 2023

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I'll be streaming in a bit. Around 30 to 40 mins from now

Hi! I made a clip of your game! Shorts TikTok 

Here they are if you're interested!

Just uploaded a Shorts of your game :D Shorts!  It was nice

owhh that makes a lot more sense. Aite I'll download your updated version on Steam. I'll be sure to respond here once I've tried it. Thanks for keeping me updated and sorry for the delay on my end, I've been quite busy.

Personally, I would prefer to have an overhauled control system. The game feels quite clunky and cumbersome as it is. I guess I'm okay with it because I've played plenty of games but for someone who hasn't played it often, I can see it being a huge red flag. 

I would love to try and play the updated version of the game. Please send me the link here and I'll try and get to it for my next stream. 

I stand by what I said, I believe in the potential of your game but what was presented in its current state feels too rough. Again I apologise for being harsh. 

Hi! I'm from the Feedback Quest and the VOD is up of your game if you are interested.


Small disclaimed, my comments during stream and what I am about to type can be painful to read. I apologise in advance.

The game was clunky. It genuinely needs a lot more work put into it. A game that is built with hype and such speedy pacing when the battle starts, needs clear indicators when playing. I didn't spot the weapon I was supposed to pick up, the fights felt clunky, the enemies didn't feel satisfying to kill. The music was hype but somehow I clipped through the world and fell infinitely. 

The game has a lot of potential but in its current state, I can't say its a good experience but I hope to see it improved later and in a better state.

Personal Rating: 2/5. The game needs a lot of work to be good. The potential is clearly there, the feel and atmosphere as well but the lack of polish and design limits it.

Hi! I'm from the Feedback Quest and the VOD is up of your game if you are interested.


The game is pretty solid. I like it. However I have some things to note.

The first is the weapon change. I feel like at least at the start, either give us all the weapons or let us change it. I feel it unnecessary to restrict one weapon of choice partly because I think most players would not like to reset the game or something when starting off. 

My next issue is the audio. I feel a game like this would benefit a lot from good audio design and ambience. It feels generally very dead and empty, even for a place that is meant to feel dead an empty. Perhaps some ambient music, effect sounds, just to add to the immersion would do it wonders.

Last is the biggest issue I had with the game, the controls. Clicking to move, mouse to aim, and numbers to do actions is not intuitive of a system, especially one that requires some precision in ints attacks. I consider the controls the weakest aspect of this game and feel that changing it to WASD movement with clicking to attack or target would do it better. 

Personal Rating: 4/5. Would be a great game but struggling with the controls made me lose interest in trying it further.

Hi! I'm from the Feedback Quest and your VOD is up if you're interested


We've discussed quite a bit about your game and frankly I think there's little that needs mentioning here. Objectively the game is pretty solid. Amazing solid controls, simple loop and instructions. Story is pretty sub par and the main character felt a bit bland but you don't really need much info in these kinds of games. 

My only gripe objectively is the Weapon change is a bit slow and sometimes annoying and that some of the rooms need to be more visually appealing. 

As for other things I'd note, its entirely subjective and I've mentioned it on stream and you directly. That being, your promotion and presentation. A quality game, no matter how good, if it isn't presented properly or in an appealing manner, won't get traction. I highly recommend investing in some marketing, art and such for the game. 

Still amazing game and I would've missed it had I not been contacted.

Personal rating: 5/5 great game, enough said. Simple, solid, 

Feel free :D I'd love to see what you make with my stream. Please do send me the link if you ever finish editing it! 

oh RIGHT my bad XD yeah tahts me but Mayshing is also the database to everyone so if there's someone you wanna find, She's your go to

Hi I'm part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD is up if you're interested in it 


Listen... I'll be frank. I played your game after a long stressful day after a long stressful stream. I usually have a lot to say but in this situation, I do not. Please check the VOD when you can. Honestly I cannot convey anything in words what I experienced and went through. I did indeed have "Therapy"

yes please. I LOVE your game. Its practically genius. Frankly I can ignore all the faults if you can deliver on the scares. I feel that you've built a lot of tension already, but as I mentioned, the delivery was the only big let down. I agree that the "in your face" type of scare is pretty over done but a the same time, you do need a payoff. I'm not entirely sure how you plan to achieve that but the day your game gets released, I'll be excited to see what you've done.

Honestly, feel free. A credit would be most appreciated ^^ ah but in the future for things like this or if you want me to help with anything on your game, feel free to hit me up on Discord. Its much easier and faster.

I'll be streaming later (9pm GMT+8)

Those are decent improvements. I feel like other streamers will be able to give more insight than I can. I personally don't find much fault in the game. Even the safes feel alright. I mean I couldn't figure out the code but given time or maybe some minor hint I could've. However I'm quite ok with a game like this so frankly just keep up the good work. Some of my chat have called your game, Soma but in 2D, which I agree. I consider that very high praise that you could achieve that. Frankly, please do hit me up sometime if you ever want me to try out the game more. I'm definitely waiting for the full game to play as well. 

I look forward to your next update :D

Hi! I'm part of the Feedback Quest and reviewed your game. The VOD is up if you're interested.


To put it bluntly and to start off, I genuinely have not a lot to say about this game. Frankly... its Objectively perfect. I know my VOD may betray what I say but I had some time to think about it. Games like these take a lot of time and investment to play. There's build up, atmosphere and story. The small glimpses of story I got told a tale. I remember praising the visual story telling as well. The atmosphere and sound design, I literally can't praise it enough. Its so well done, so well thought out and so immersive, I just was in awe and felt dread a lot. Its amazing. 

Literally, the only gripe I had was the audio being too sharp for my ears and I got tennitis very easily. 

Overall, you shoudl be proud of what you've made. This I feel is a great game. A Platinum Standard for what a game should strive to be. I know I didn't get to the combat but I think from what I've seen the combat works well too but I doubt that's the big selling point. I feel the story, the atmosphere and such are the big sellers here.

Personal Score: 5/5. This game is perfect. I rarely say a game meets my Platinum Standard praise but I guess this does. Maybe I'm overestimating it but I still feel you have a Gem of a game. With the only real problem being its not for everyone. It certainly wasn't for me but I can see myself playing this on a Switch or something alone and just getting into it. 

Streaming has a bit of a problem where long, thought provoking games that take a slow burn to get, are usually harder to play and to display it in a way that's entertaining. This game is one of those games that deserves an investment of time to play and understand. Again do not let my VOD betray you. As a game to stream, this might not be the best but as a game to experience, this could hit something very very hard and I wanna explore that, not as Aurora the streamer but Aurora the gamer. 

Hi I'm part of the Feedback Quest. Gameplay of your game is up on the VOD if you're interested.


You were there during the stream XD but I'll still give feedback here. 

First I'd like to note, that the game is very bare bones. So I fully understand that it needs a lotta work. For starters the opening camera shift was a big throw off. Next are the doors in the cabin clipping me into another dimension and the VHS player not having indicators. The flashlight also was too bright yet oddly enough didn't illuminate as far given how blinding it is. I feel that those need to be adressed as technical problems.

In the visual sense, the maze with the leaves and trees were repeating and it was so noticeable. Another noticeable thing was the dialogue being awkward. Gramatical errors should be ironed out as soon as possible. 

Now for this part, it is entirely subjective. The scares were good, but like I said in the VOD, it wears off fairly quick and now instead of fighting what is in the game, the game is now my enemy. The mechanics and ideas need a lot more thought put into it. The Dialogue again, broke immerssion. As was the theming as a whole. Was it horror? comedy? parody? I had these thoughts in mind when playing and I feel like its too mushed together. Like I suggested on stream, pick one central idea and make everything fit with that instead of trying to grab it all. 

Still, the game has a lot of potential. That cornfield section is proof that you guys know how to make atmosphere and scare. The world looks reasonably good. Gives off the same vibe as Choo Choo Charles which I recommend you try out. It might give more insight into how you can build your game. 

Personal Rating: 1/5. The game is still in its earliest stage but I still have to be fair and say that it needs a lot of work. I see the potential but its so rough that its indistinguishable from a mess. I hope to play it again in the future.

To start, I must apologise sincerely for my harshness. I tend to not mince words but that is no excuse for rudeness. I would like to still emphasize that your game is still very solid and I feel is the polish all games should strive for because I FEEL that quality and effort you put in. 

Anyway to give a proper response, I rewatched my own VOD to regather my thoughts. 

I think the bug might be entirely the demo so I feel that I could disregard that money and sound but entirely. An oversight? maybe a build issue but regardless, its nothing a bit of debugging can't fix.

Now to the crux of it. For the controls, I recommend you do away with the WASD + Arrow keys and instead opt for WASD being the control, space bar to jump and the mouse as the key "attack" function. Left click to shoot and such. Maybe map some other buttons to do other things that are convenient like Q and R. I feel that this would do your game a lot more justice since you can just use the mouse to click during the RPG section, to attack during most of the games and such. However, I understand it'll be an insane programming feat and if you feel its better to stick to WASD as the interaction buttons and the Arrows and movement, I recommend the ability to remap it. I think this could mitigate a lot of issues but I feel like its not gonna do much cuz I feel that games like these should be simple-ish and let me get right to it. Alternatively maybe you could also had a huge "Play with Keyboard or Gamepad" option. As mentioned, I feel that would be a good indicator, I could easily get my XBox controller to play. Still something to consider.

As for the RPG section being clunky. I gave it a lot of thought as to why and how to fix it. The why is a bit vague but it feels like an old FF game interface or something you'd see from an RPG maker game. Feels classic. However, I looked back at it and functionally it was perfect, I even praised it for being perfect. I feel that the issue was the pace change. You started off with a Bullet Hell, then to a Rogue Shooter, then if I picked the other side, a Platformer, so to change the pace to RPG... it would slow down and make the experience clunky. My solution to this, is fairly simple. Give the main character, AOE spells right off the bat and have MP be refilled per hit rather than through potions. Small changes BUT I feel that this would speed up the RPG sections without making it too easy. Consider this, that each monster requires 2 to 3 hits to kill, You drop anywhere between 2 to 3 monsters and that means 6 hits in total if its the best case and 9 to maybe more hits at worst. So an AOE spell that early helps. I also saw the trailer and guess that, maybe, the companion girl would be the AOE spell caster? I might be wrong but still waiting to that point, might be too late to establish a pace and my mind just went from "gotta go fast" to "I've just been glued to the floor" 

Overall I think that if you do that for the RPG section it might keep the pacing consistent enough that no one gets taken out of the game while playing. Make the blaster or sword AOE and maybe add a super strong attack spell for all the marbles. I made a comment about how there should be one major element to the game despite there being multiple genres. I think keeping a somewhat consistent pacing between genre changes is the key to solving your problems. I mentioned No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Back as a good reference. So maybe something there can help you. 

I still love the look of the game, its concept, the characters. Its a good game with polish but I feel like its bogged down by some fundamental flaws that I feel could be mitigated if not outright fixed entirely. 

Please keep up the good work and I hope to play your game again ^^ and I apologise once more for the harsh critique. 

eyo~ send me those pics later XD but thanks, glad you like it. Please keep up the good work.

I also would like to add that the characters and their personality really shine. The cute Ghost girl is nice. 

(1 edit)

Hi, I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD is available if you are interested in watching.


I would like to apologise in advance for some of the things I might have said in the VOD. I was being very critical of the game and am fully aware that the Demo likely doesn't reflect the final game.

That being said, I have some Feedback on the demo I played.

For the Bullet Hell shooting section of the game. I found it was very fun but visually it could use some contrast between the player, the targets and the background. It is subtle but a lot of games in this genre use contrast to let the player see the key visual elements easily which is super important.

There's also moments of absolute silence in the game where light music could be used. Its a small nitpick but it does take me out of the game.

A minimap would be very convenient in some sections if it could be implemented especially during the dungeon shooting section. 

This is where I have to be a bit critital and again, I apologise wholeheartedly if I say something that is offensive.

First major issue is a bug during the platforming section where the coins generate infinitely and my ears just blew up from the sound alone. I could find no way to fix it without entirely restarting the game. Not sure what happened there but its a big issue.

The second major issue is entirely subjective and can be argued but I feel is my biggest gripe with the game. Controls and execution. Its easier explained in the VOD but to put it into words here, the controls for some sections do not feel intuitive. In fact this is a recurring theme in the entire game thus far. Where I feel that the controls were made to be a wide blanket that none of the game genres got done properly and don't meet the standards set for each individual genre of game. To name a few, the run and gun section had terrible WASD and Arrow Controls which isn't intuitive when you wanna play that style of game, the Contrast in the Bullet Hell opening sequence made it hard to see and play, the Platforming section had a floaty character that slipped and slided with no balance, the RPG section felt clunky even by the standards of its predecessors. All of these things add up. 

I respect what was being done in the game. I love the concept of Mix Genres but if its not done properly, it will fall flat equally. I still would like to see something like this to succeed. I can also tell a LOT of polish went into the game itself that I feel the quality of it. Its polished to a mirror sheen. However the Concept and its Execution is lacking for me and puts me off from loving the game.

Personal Rating: 2/5 Its well done but how it was done didn't work for me.

I planned to keep my promise! Thank you again for letting me play your fun game and for being so Cultured.

I'll be streaming soon
I'll be streaming soon
(1 edit)

oh yeahhh I could've asked Rudy and Dedu, good point but I think the reason I didn't was because I'm one of those ancient types of players that doesn't want hints. Still I think it would be a benefit to make it clearer to players that are less stubborn than I am XD

Still amazing work. I have nothing but high praise for what you've made.

(1 edit)

Hi I am part of the Feedback Quest and I reviewed your game. The VOD is up if you're interested in the Review.

VOD Link:

So some feedback. Honestly, at the start, I was genuinely star struck at the beginning that I almost forgot to actually review the game. It shows how interesting the game was to me.

The negatives I'd need to point out and so did my chat was that the Character Models did not fit the world. The characters were a bit more detailed and the world was super low poly. I think adding some minor texture details or some PBR stuff might aleviate this issue. Its not a big deal but something to consider. Also I am aware its a demo but I fear it might spill into the full game but scare payoff wasn't entirely worth it. I felt let down when the horror moments were supposed to start. I also feel like the game might benefit from a Zoom feature to inspect certain details. 

Another problem I noticed but this is entirely personal, is that it is Naggy. I feel like being told too much and such leaves me feeling pushed around. I want to experience the world that was made and to explore the small space. To do certain things and get immerssed. I feel giving players some freedom will benefit this game highly.

As for the positives. A lot. A lot lot lot of good. I love the game. The two perspectives concept, especially when you set the camera down and control like a point and click adventure I feel is GENIUS and harkens back to old school games like Clock Tower. I am shocked and disappointed that no other Devs have thought of this. I also LOVE that tension build up. The subtle noises, the feel of dread everytime I set my camera down. Its genius. I love how the tension is built up but again I'm let down by the actual thing I'm supposed to be scared of. Also bless and thank you for adding the ability to turn off the Camera Bob. I get motion sickness easily so this is such a welcome feature. Overall, I ENJOYED this game and I'm genuinely excited for a full release. 

Personal Rating: 5/5 Amazing. Just simply amazing.

Hi I'm from the Feedback Quest! I played your game and reviewed it on my Stream.

Here's the VOD:

Though most of the feedback is in the VOD. Here's some of the points I can make. The gameplay loop is interesting. I LOVE this old school Flash Era game and artstyle. Its so nostalgic and I enjoyed it very much as someone who played Flash Games from the olden days. 

My only gripes with the game is that the image hint for the puzzle, wasn't entirely clear. I think that's the only time during the training that threw me off. The Music Note was just not that clear. Still I could attribute it to my skill issue. 

On a personal note, the game was fun and interesting and I hope you enjoy the VOD.

Personal Rating: 4/5

Hi! I'm part of the Feedback Quest and thank you for dropping by on my stream!

Here's the VOD:

Most of the Feedback was already mentioned in the VOD but to give a rough summary. I think the game is VERY solid. I consider it the Standard for Game Dev. Smooth, well built, has a good gameplay loop, a suitable UI Design. The variety of different playstyles from the different characters are also interesting. I enjoyed it. The only complain I have is ENTIRELY subjective its that its missing something. I can't tell what that something is and I hope someone else might give better insight. All in all, amazing work.

Personal rating: 3/5 

(1 edit)

I'll be streaming later 9pm (GMT+8)

Hi! Here's the VOD 

Please keep up the good work! I loved the game and so did my Chat. I hope to see the finished game soon. 

actually my monitor resolution is 1920x1080 but even for that, I stand by what I said. It feels quite small along with the UI. Perhaps its more personal preference when I play these types of games. Still as far as the game itself is, its very solid regardless. As for controls, I didn't consider trying it with a 360 Controller but if I could then yeah it would be pretty awesome. Personally, I think letting the player decide the best keybinding woult resolve the control issues but I can imagine that might be a bit hard to implement at this point.

Still I also stand by how good the game is. Please keep doing your best. 

yeah I figured from the way it was made, it was a Game Jam game for sure. Simple and sweet. 

Though yeah I think adding such sliders or maybe reducing the effects in general, it might help a lot. Frankly I think its just a problem to people who are a bit more sensitive like myself and some members of my chat. I can't 100% tell you what caused the motion sickness, my theory at the moment is either the character movements, the flashlight moving around too much, the post processing or just a pure combination of all those things.

Still for what its worth and I still wanna re-iterate, the game itself, minus my motion sickness, is actually solid especially for a Game Jam game. Good tension, good atmosphere. I like it a lot.

Hi I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD for me playing this on Stream is up.

Normally I'd save my conclusions for later, but for this, I'll say it straight up. You did not need to go so hard and far on this. Even for a DEMO I felt like it was a full fledged game. Like I was floored and kept playing and if I didn't have other games to play, I might have stuck on this forever.

The Story was interesting, the characters were likeable, the UI does feel a bit dated, reminds me of old UIs from AQ Studio games from their online flash games but still, solid. Just, it was a pure plesure to play this game. 

My only critisims would be from a visual stand point. The backgrounds are clearly 3D rendered and does not meld well with the art of the game itself. I'd suggest either getting an artist to do it, put a paint filter over it, maybe just blur it slightly when the characters are on screen. Just something to make me not fully notice the clear low poly details in the background. There's also some Audio balancing issues like the sound effects not sounding quite right, some of the voices felt different. 

Still despite that, I could not help by get immersed. The sheer understanding of the medium is on full display here. This is the Standard I feel for what a VN should strive to be. I dare say, this is the Gold Standard. Please keep up the amazing work and I look forward to playing more. 

Hi, I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD is up for this if you're interested.

I'll cut it simple, the game was solid. I liked it. Even though I played it while tired, I enjoyed it. 

My only issues were that the UI and buttons could use some work to make it nicer. The game could also use better stimuli, like maybe a screenshake if I take heavy damage or my Spider friend taking damage. I'd also would've loved to play as the Spider or have a 2player Co-op but again, just small details. 

Please keep up the good work. 

Hi I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD of me playing this game is up if you are interested.

First I'd like to apologise that I personally didn't play this game for long. The reasons for that are simply, that the look of the game really made it hard for me to play. Everything is tiny, microscopic to my eyes. The text, the UI, the enemies and character. The travel time between my eyes to key information like the health bar and such is significant enough that I'm taken away from the game itself. I'd consider adding UI Scaling or overall just zooming into the character itself. 

Positive though, aside from that critisism, I find it VERY hard to fault the game for anything else. The combat was solid, the effects were good, I felt the weight of the game despite the visual aspect being quite hard to enjoy. Please keep up the good work. 

Hi I was part of the Feedback Quest and bruh, you were there XD you heard all my feedback but the VOD is up regardless.

Still to put it fairly, I loved the game. Very good work. As suggested, a fix in the UI, making it scale bigger, or something to make the experience more comfortable would help a ton. Gameplay feels smooth, solid shooting, solid feedback and progression. I love it overall. Please keep up the good work and I hope to try the full release soon!

Hi I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD of me playing this game is up if you're interested.

My biggest issue with the game is the text dump. If the text is being voice, I think it would benefit to either reduce the words or have an option to just hear it or just soemthing wehre I don't feel like I'm reading an entire essay. 

I can feel the old school classic FPS inspiration this game is inspired by, but it lacks the intensity of the medium it took inspiration from. The lack of feedback when being shot, outside of just a mud filled screen kinda makes it hard to enjoy the game. The Balance of the game feels off, and the bullets timing is off too. Still a good game with lots of potential. I like what I saw, with some work, I can see the potential for success here.

Hi I was part of the Feedback Quest. The VOD of me playign this game is up if you're interested.

My biggest gripes are, that I wish the instructions were in the game itself and that I had controller support. Other than that, I can see that this game has a lot of potential for wild fun. Keep polishing what you got. I hope to see a finished game that lets me fight my mates in the parking lot just like in real life.