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such a waste this games been abandoned cause the guy didnt wana be called a porn maker. if he really dosnt wana be associated with this stuff then he should just delete the game and stop making money off it cause if he dose become popular people will trace this game back to him eventually then his "i dont wana be seen as a pervert" line will be worthless lol.


You're right maybe I should just continue making porn games


I mean, We're not saying no to that but you do you dude. 


not trying to sound like a dick or be mean so sorry if i can off that way, but people will go so far as to dig up out of context tweets from a  decade ago to ruin someone. think of how a game like this would do to someones reputation if they were trying to make it big in the games industry.


Please come back. Your talent is needed in this sector. As a high sea sailor this game made me open an account for itch and buy the game without even regional pricing. I'll be looking forward to good news from you. Stay safe.

(1 edit) (+3)

At the end of the day some part of you clearly wanted to make this game. I get it, we're all probably freaks. But unless it was harmful to your own health, whats the harm in it. I hope you're able to develop the game again, but I hope you do it from a healthy mindset not cause you feel everyone is pressuring you into it...


Please DO!


Just want to put in my two cents: at the end of the day, it is and should be your decision. You're clearly talented at game design and if you think this development could push you back from achieving your goals, yeah, it makes complete sense to be hesitant about developing games like this or continuing development on this one. I'd personally hope that Itch/whatever else involved would keep your identity secure, because this one's fantastic lmao. But, you do you, and good luck with whatever you end up doing!

It would be great to see more!

its clear that your work is quality and you have solid ideas. Even if you decide to make something new entirely it would be so good to see you put your ideas to work!

I will say one thing, and as weird as it is. You have a lot of peoples support on here, of course a lot of people would love for you to continue development on this game and more games because you are a really talented developer. But like everyone says, it is your choice and we'd support you no matter what you chose. And if it is to stop development on porn games we understand, maybe see if theres someone else in the community that would take over this game and let them put their name on it, that way you can always just secretly check out how great the game is and see its supporters without worry of it being tracked to you.
