So, as I said, I am a hostage to the nav system in Godot for further droid behaviour improvements. And yes, I am aware of them bumping into walls etc, and they do sometimes getting temporarily stuck. Just have to live with it for now.
Yes, Q and E sounds sensible for left/right camera rotation. Unfortunately, this is not as slick as using the mouse, as for some reason doing this recognises the key press delay from the OS (I have tried it in my two other games that are on itch). However, I have now stopped work on the prototype, and already started on refactoring and adding new/different functionality for a proper demo version. It will take a long time before the first build of that is ready. As well as adding missing functionality, I will also be radically changing the UI/UX functionality - I have thought about that quite a bit since your first bit of feedback and I think I know where I want to go with it now.
Thanks for all the useful feedback. This is what I was hoping for when I joined this jam.