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Android's gone above the 2GB limit, so they'd just crash on load. The last ones that were below 2GB are still available, but to get book 2 and 3 onto Android will take a major chunk of work.

There are some different solutions that might help fix it; some devs do multiple 'bootstrapping' apps (so download app 1.1, that copies its assets, download app 1.2, that copies its assets, then download the actual app, and it continues to use the data). That's... obviously confusing to the player and not ideal.

The industry wide solution is downloading assets from a server, but hosting ~10 GB worth of data for each player is obviously not cheap. On they'll host my actual app, but they won't host raw data like that.

TL;DR: It's a work in progress... I'm hoping to get back to it when I'm done with Book 3.