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Deleted 1 year ago
(5 edits) (+11)

Why would you post that here? This is completely heartless and manipulative of you. Speaking as someone who struggles with their mental health and has had therapy in the past, Lipstor clearly needs professional help, not the help of a comment section for an indie h game.

Edit 1: One more thing. Holding the threat of suicide over someone is a well known and incredibly abusive act.

Edit 2: Yet another thing. I don't know who any of you people are or how you are connected/related. I hope if you were able to then you contacted someone more appropriate about this than an internet comment section to get Lipstor help they need.


Lipstor always threatened me by saying she would "I will suicide" and subjected me with many demands. But I don't know if the threats were true or not.


Usually, people that tends to use the "I will suicide" as a threat doesn't end up doing it in the end. 

(1 edit) (+6)

This is just pure emotional manipulation. 

I doubt anybody would even seriously consider suicide for such petty reasons, those threats were most likely false.


I hadn't realised this situation was that bad. That must have been very difficult to deal with while trying to make a game along with your day job. Just keep in mind that there are plenty of people here to support you when needed and that what anyone else does or doesn't do isn't your fault. Hopefully Lipstor will speak to a professional.

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I tried to get Lip to understand my way of thinking, but it didn't work. And I didn't bully or threaten Lip😞


From everything I've seen, you've tried your best this whole time. I'm sure it's difficult but I would suggest you just try and ignore this sort of thing going forward. Good luck.


Thank you for your support.


Hey don't feel bad! Anyone with this pattern of behavior is very clearly toxic. The action that they do with blackmailing or blaming their poor mental health on you for some reason, is very toxic and abusive.

Look, they say they did stuff for the community. Sure, but the way they did it seems...transactional. They are saying they did all those things, and because of it, they want something in return(to get unbanned, their ideas implemented, to talk to you, etc). That is not doing something because of the goodness in your heart. 

Keep on focusing on the game! Once this game is complete all of this doesn't matter. We are here for futa porn lol, nothing else. If anyone else wants more than that, then that's on them


Yes, my goal is to make futa porn game. I will focus on making this. Thank you for your support!

(1 edit) (+4)

The F is wrong with you? It was necessary to share this just to make everyone feel bad with themselves? Shame on you if that is a real attempt against one's life.... 


I literally made an account just to say, if you kill yourself over an online dispute centered around a futa hentai game, the world probably isn't losing anyone significant.


Wtf is this?

Lip is talking about blackmail yet she's the person who litteraly threatened to take down the game because her OC characters were in it?

She's talking about blackmail while litteraly making coercive suicide threats just to get the ways she wants?

I feel so bad for Mofu who didnt deserve to get involved in this mess. Stay strong my dude! I'm excited to see what your game will become.


Man if this isn't the biggest bag of "Manipulation gaslight tactics" I ever seen.....

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(1 edit) (+1)

Well, at least some progress is being made. 

If you keep talking with her or trying to introduce her into something new, things might get better (? 


Yep, sounds like any advice that isn't something they want to hear is just filtered.  That is something, I know from life experience, that toxic people do.

I touched on this, but if they feel like they are "owed" something because of the community work they did, then they never truly did it from passion and from the goodness of their heart

(1 edit) (+2)

I for one don't care. Also reported. 

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If that's true then fair enough. I don't mean to hold ill will toward anyone here. Hopefully someone else is in a better position to support her with whatever it is she needs. I also hope this is the last I have to say on this topic as this certainly isn't the place for it.