when checking my quest completed list to answer your questions, over the quest management complaints the game shows an error code in JSON management, but I have completed the following:
Main Quest: Sleepy Time; Search for the mysterious; Discovering your destiny; Claiming your heritage; Expansion Fantasy; Assault on Castle Semayi
Side Quest; Missing business, missing work; Friendly Mission Work; Missing friends, shared misery; Interrupting the Disruptors; Pirate's Life for some; Recruiting followers (orcish tribes); Spooky Scary Skeletons; Management Complaints; Lones Survivor; Twilight Dilemma; Couple's Therapy; Towers and Deserters; My kingdom for some wood; The Visionary Knights are here; Kind Furious Chicken; His Precious Cabbages; The Twilight Company; Stranger Things; Nature vs Profits; Local Murder Mystery; Elvish Prisoners in Need; Invictux the self-sustain; Dangerous Mining; Elite Minecrafter; A Manager in Need; Elvish Troubles
Character Quest: The caged cage fighter; Helping out a friendly scout; Experimental Subject; Extended Family; Stalking Shadows; Sweet Barber; A scout's honor; Rewards of pleasure
I have recruited the following followers: Yuratox, Sierra, Baetylis, Vu Nu Thoaty, Sarimorvayra, Automaton XG22, Chlo'et'ak, Erot-icka, Yseultj, Covkyu, Blyke, Xeturxa, Urokksha II.
As for anomalies I was unable to capture Hazard Punk because the man who states "fuck off" was always in the way, I am unsure if other anomalies occurred as I have not played the game since its first release.
For choices, I often choose the most peaceful route or the one that could be considered the most ethical and where the more good people could be helped, and I chose to marry the princess and follow her advice. x
I will also admit to playing with the code a little by changing and maxing the values of all stats through the weapons, I also gave myself a lot of gold through save editing, But those are the only two things I've changed I altered no variables or switches. I would send you a save but I never use social media, it was bad enough to set up website accounts to work on games and report bugs.