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(1 edit)

[:l] ?

I mean its pretty much admirable, in my opinion, you should not feel bad about taking your time (I mean, making a VN is hard) and even more with that amount of stuff you made, so I mean that there is not a reason to feel sorry about any time-out, like, you really made a big effort, and that is awesome, sorry if I sounded or were rude, I'm not trying to be it at all.

Like, +70 sprites?! Damn, that is a lot...


Oh no, please don't feel that way. I don't find your comment rude at all. (^w^) I replied to you with the question when I was half awake and couldn't really grasp what you were trying to say, hence the question. ('UwU) In retrospect, it was solely out of curiosity. But when I reread it, I finally understand what you mean lmao XD 

Really appreciate the encouragement btw (>wO)👌🏻

And yeah, even though I realized that not a lot of people really care about his expression, it kinda hit me hard a long time ago, but regardless, I still went crazy with the sprites just to add the perfect expression for certain occasions lol. Sorry not sorry XDXP

Hehe, thank [x')]