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I've got a question for dev! Do you plan on making more BL stories? Cuz I usually seek only gay stories and, well... I think I fell in love with your writing. I just wanna read more of your kinetic novels TWT. 

Already checked (and played) few others on your page, but Unluckily in Love just took my breath away... The characters, their interactions and dialogues, the fluff and comfort... I literally binge-played it and now I'm feel empty cuz I wanna ready more ahahaha ;_; what am I gonna do with myself..


Aaa, thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed Unluckily in Love so much; I'm very fond of it too! Yuel and Tavi are some of my favourite characters; their banter is a lot of fun to write >w<

I have written a couple of other BL VNs (LoToTo and What Happened the Night Before) but they're relatively short VNs I worked on for game jams. They're not as polished as UIL because I didn't have as much time to spend polishing and perfecting the scripts - though they are both free.

I'm working on a couple of other longer BL VNs which will be commercial, which will hopefully be of a similar quality to UIL, but I have a lot of WIP projects at the moment so I'm not sure when I'll be able to release them. I'll do my best, though!
(As an aside, I've also written a lot of stuff about Yuel and Tavi specifically because I enjoy writing their interactions so much... I'm not sure if I'll do anything with all of this ~stuff~ at the moment though. I did share some misc Yuel/Tavi scenes with people on my Discord server who were interested though.)

Could you give me a link to your Discord, please? ♥ 

I'd love to check it out! 

Sure! I have a link to it on my profile page, but you can also join it here if you want!

If you ever decide to make a DLC or something for Tavi and Yuel with the stuff you wrote, I'm definitely gonna check it! :) ♥ ♥ ♥